Suggestion Basic Scuba "nag reminder"

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Cave Diver

Cave Diver

Scuba Instructor
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Several of the forums, like the Scuba Singles and the Womens View have "nag reminders" at the top of every post reminding you that you're in a forum with specific requirements for posting.

The Basic Scuba forum also has special rules for posting, but are only in evidence in tiny writing at the top of the forum:

Please note: This forum has special rules. This forum is intended to be a very friendly, "flame free zone" where divers of any skill level may ask questions about basic scuba topics without fear of being accosted. Please show respect and courtesy at all times. Remember that the inquirer is looking for answers that they can understand. This is a learning zone and consequently, any off-topic or overly harsh responses will be removed.

Sometimes I forget which forum I'm in when posting and the corresponding rules, and I'm sure others do as well, especially when posts start flying back and forth.

So the two questions I have are:

1) How difficult would it be to add a reminder to the Basic Scuba Forum like the Singles and Womens forum has.

2) What is the general feeling from others about asking for this to be implemented?
I like it El.

Anyone else?
I like it, doesn't take up to much real estate either which is good when posting from a portable device . . .
Solved! :D
I don't like it. I think it's too much to see in EVERY post. It's already at the top of every page, and the URL displays what forum you're in.

Just my opinion.
Should it not say: Please remember, this forum is intended as a friendly, "flame free" zone.

The final quote mark is in the wrong place. It should be after free not zone.
I agree that it is a bit excessive to see it on EVERY post. Has it been such an issue that this is required? Typically the MODs do a good job of eliminating flamers anyway. I like the concept of a reminder but to see it every single time I look at a post seems overkill. Just my opinion.
Should it not say: Please remember, this forum is intended as a friendly, "flame free" zone.

The final quote mark is in the wrong place. It should be after free not zone.

I don't like it. I think it's too much to see in EVERY post. It's already at the top of every page, and the URL displays what forum you're in.
I agree that it is a bit excessive to see it on EVERY post. Has it been such an issue that this is required? Typically the MODs do a good job of eliminating flamers anyway. I like the concept of a reminder but to see it every single time I look at a post seems overkill.
Well, implementing it is the quickest way to find out whether it has the desired result.

So, keep those comments coming... :)
I'm for it
I don't like it ...

First off, it's annoying. Makes me feel like you think we need a nanny.

Second, overexposure to anything tends to make people tune it out.

Third ... if people are gonna misbehave, putting a warning at the top of the page won't stop 'em from misbehaving.

I thought all of ScubaBoard was supposed to be a "flame-free zone". If that's the case, why do we need the constant reminders.

Rather than assuming that everybody needs to be treated like a child, why not simply go after the people who have trouble behaving like adults?

Everybody agrees to the rules for posting when they join the board ... I think putting a reminder on every post is overkill ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I like the idea because I click on a thread, and immediately begin reading it, I don't look at the very top of the screen, heck it takes me several weeks to even pay any attention to SB wide announcements that get posted. . .

if not in every post, is there a way as NetDoc said, to put it in the reply box which forum you are posting in?

Or even put it on a line above the quick reply box, and then on a line just above the advanced reply box?

To prevent people from tuning the message out change the color each week, seriously.

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