Suggestion Basic Scuba "nag reminder"

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Cave Diver

Cave Diver

Scuba Instructor
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Several of the forums, like the Scuba Singles and the Womens View have "nag reminders" at the top of every post reminding you that you're in a forum with specific requirements for posting.

The Basic Scuba forum also has special rules for posting, but are only in evidence in tiny writing at the top of the forum:

Please note: This forum has special rules. This forum is intended to be a very friendly, "flame free zone" where divers of any skill level may ask questions about basic scuba topics without fear of being accosted. Please show respect and courtesy at all times. Remember that the inquirer is looking for answers that they can understand. This is a learning zone and consequently, any off-topic or overly harsh responses will be removed.

Sometimes I forget which forum I'm in when posting and the corresponding rules, and I'm sure others do as well, especially when posts start flying back and forth.

So the two questions I have are:

1) How difficult would it be to add a reminder to the Basic Scuba Forum like the Singles and Womens forum has.

2) What is the general feeling from others about asking for this to be implemented?
Responses so far are pretty evenly split. Like just about every other topic here. :rofl3:
Responses so far are pretty evenly split. Like just about every other topic here. :rofl3:

I think we need a [-]pole[/-] er I mean poll . . . .
The issue is not someone who wants to flame in an inappropriate forum.

It's the poster, who wants to comply, not realizing what forum they are in.
The issue is not someone who wants to flame in an inappropriate forum.

It's the poster, who wants to comply, not realizing what forum they are in.

But unless the forum they are in is The Deco Stop, there IS no appropriate forum for flaming ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
But unless the forum they are in is The Deco Stop, there IS no appropriate forum for flaming ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Everyone's halo :angel: occassionally slips sometimes and we need that reminder. This is an informational forum, but it's also FUN! to sometime give a lil ribbing. As long as we remember to whom we're speaking to and how...
I think MOST of our members do well in that forum. To tag every single post for a few guilty people is like assuming that we all are going to be guilty. It just feels so negative to me, and turns me off.

But maybe that's just me.
But unless the forum they are in is The Deco Stop, there IS no appropriate forum for flaming ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

are you saying the Classified Section should be available for flaming?
But unless the forum they are in is The Deco Stop, there IS no appropriate forum for flaming ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Remember that one man's flame is another's cool breeze.
"Basic" probably has a higher proportion of both ScubaBoard and diving newcomers. Experienced members generally know they're suppose to keep the temperature down but newbies haven't necessarily even noticed the special rules at the top of the thread. An example of this is the frequent failure to notice the "no condolences - take them over to the Condolences forum" rule at the top of Accidents & Incidents. With this group, more frequent automated reminders probably do help in keeping at least some proportion of few extra ignition sources out.

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