Obviously things could go OK, but very risky. High risk of cancellation and delays . You being on one island while your bags are on another just seems to be begging for trouble. Sounds like you are committed to this plan so at this point I would just hope for the best and plan for the worst. I would make absolutely certain any medications and other necessary items travel with you to Komodo even though you are just planning to do a day trip .
In addition to just general delays (weather, maintenance , volcano eruptions etc ) , evidently it is quite common for budget airlines in Indonesia to just cancel flights if they don’t have enough passengers to make the flight profitable. The airlines don’t admit this the reason, but it happens quite a bit evidently . This was told to me who used to run a business in Komodo and still works in the dive industry in Indonesia where he deals with tourists arrivals/departures all the time .
My volcano comment was not a joke btw. The ash creates hazards to air travel. I have only had to deal with volcano air disruptions once but my friends who have been going to Indo longer have had to deal with volcano issues on multiple occasions.