Bali, Indonesia-Komodo Dancer-Dec. 20th-30th, 2010

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Just wanted to post a shout out to anyone here who might be in Bali this month or happen to be going on the same charter that I am.

Looking forward to the shock of jumping into 82°F last dive it was 48°F....hope it doesn't take me long to adapt!
Going to be a great trip. We did the same trip in Jan 09.

You'll find there are some cool spots...or you being from WA...some less warm spots. :) Probably got into the mid 70s. There was a spot right near Cannibal Rock that was cooler.

As usual, always do the first dive because it's best viz then. Particularly good spots were Cannibal Rock (of course; check out the intensity of life on the top in the sunlight), plus Manta Alley, a place called Shotgun, and I had the best night dive and nearly any dive at Pink Beach. The whole ID book was right there and we came back to beautiful calm conditions and stars. Some other places I can't recall the name of. They planned to end the trip at Tulumben but a strong current slowed our return enough to not make it there. Watch out for the hikes with Garry. Beautiful views but no real trail

Watch out for reflected sunlight off the water and boat surfaces. Got a pretty good burn from it...
If you have not seen them we have a trip report, gallery and MultiMedia show from our Komodo Dancer trip. You will have a great time. When we were on board one of the owners was aboard and brought water skis, so all who wanted gave it a try, great fun! Now my 3mm is old so more like 1.5mm but I do wish I had brought my 5mm for Cannibal Rock.

Aquablue Dreams
Thanks for the info. on your trip......what was the weather like in Jan.? I'm curious as to what the rainy season is like. I don't think I'll melt because of the rain, but was there alot of wind and storms?'ve got some awesome photos and have been to some awesome places....I'll have to bookmark your website!
The weather was warm to hot but we did have a constant +5 knot wind. My wife had to find spots out of the breeze to warm up and do her sun worshiping.
I used to live with Gary, the guy who runs the Komodo Dancer trips and he's fantastic. You will have a great time on his boat and your whole time in Indonesia. Are you planning on diving in Bali also on your trip here?
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Thanks for the info.-I'm really looking forward to the diving. I won't have time to dive in Bali-only staying two days at the beginning and two days after I get off the boat, but I'm staying in Sanur when I get there so maybe I will check out your shop!
I lived with that character, Garry?! So you heard about brown sauce every day then? :)

I learned a lot about how to work with the Indonesians from Garry.

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