Bad Situation

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Sounds awesome, especially the scootering part. It's a swim out to the wall. We'll have to hook up to do some diving later in the summer -- WHEN I'M NOT AT WORK!

which I still am... 14 hours and counting... :sod:

Yeah it was great, and the scooters have made all the difference in the world for opening up new dive sites in Tahoe. Normally we'd have to swim forever, and get a boat, but now we just motor out the wall. PM me when you get some time and we'll see about getting together for a dive. :)
Land Locked:
Well I'm headed out the door, NOT on my way to Little Cayman.
Going out to blow a couple of tanks at the quarry. It's going to be
a miserable day, 90 degrees and 90% humidity, no time to dilly/dally
getting in the water. Looking forward to cooling off at 53 degrees.
Now get to work and spend the tax payers money,
or come up with the reciepts, whatever you guys are doing.

Probably need to move this to Whine & cheeze -- moderator? What'cha think? :eyebrow:

17 hours yesterday; today started at 0600. If I go past midnight, do I total the extra hour(s) for today or count them towards tomorrow? :)D)

Diving.. sunshine.. .daylight...I vaguely remember the concepts, but can't quite remember what the physical embodiments of them are...
Moseying on through day 2 hour 13....(actually I started this nonsense on Friday, so that makes this day 3) blah blah blah. I know, I know, nobody cares, but I don't have a blog! :martian:

I've noticed the number of posts on the boards is dropping dramatically as the weekend winds down. Bummer: it's been my source of diversion (or diver inversion, whatever).

Hope all who got to dive this weekend had fun - and safe - adventures.
I think the thermocline was around 40' and then another around 60' or so. They were both pretty mild with the lowest temp about 48 degrees. We scootered out by the wall, but then turn the dive since our objectives were more on the training end. As far as the barge goes, we stayed to the left of the cove so I didn't see it yesterday. I'll let you know how Rubican is after we dive it next week, but it should be another great dive. :)

You inspired me! Since we couldnt dive cause hubby was on drugs for his back we went to the quarry and tried out the scooter I got him for his bday way back in December. It was a blast and a different view from up top. Thank ya :) Was a wonderful day.

Plus that scooter thing is just fun. Im thinking of stealing it from him.
It's a bad situation:

1. It's going to be 75 degrees and sunny both days this weekend (been a loooong, hard winter).
2. Lake Tahoe is 50 degrees.
3. Vis 50 ft plus.
4. Haven't been wet (due to *&#*&! work) in 7 months.
5. I am stuck in my office non-stop (15+ hours each day) all weekend.

Result: I suck... and I hate you all who are diving this weekend. *Sigh*


I was certified in November of last year, and since that time I've had 50 dives including an Advance course training. And you know what? my employer is giving us another raise. Now I can dive every other week on a regular basis. Ahhhhhh life can really be good, at least for some :eyebrow: .

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