We are now OW and EAN certified!
We were able to get a few dives under our belts, and were already so lucky to see a seahorse and a lettuce sea slug
In the end, we went with Ebby Jules (thanks
@rmorgan !). Ebby is an incredibly talented teacher, and a really nice person to deal with; working with him ended up being a lot of fun, and we feel like we actually graduated with confidence in our skills. Some things that helped (several of which you suggested earlier in the thread):
- We started by practicing buoyancy and getting comfortable in the water column, which made us stable in place and made it much faster to practice the skills.
- With buoyancy under control, it was easier to diagnose issues we were having with the gear;
- Ebby was careful to choose reefs with low waves and low traffic for the initial CW exercises, which felt so much more comfortable;
- He was encouraging, mentoring, and adapted to our learning style. This was a huge contrast to the hurried, more rigid style we experienced before.
At the end of the day, it took roughly 4 lightweight days, with 90m in the morning and 90m in the afternoon. This is much less total time than the 3 full days format, even though it’s slightly less compressed on the calendar, but it did feel way more pleasant. The higher cost was well justified by the personalized pace, relaxed atmosphere, and the extra confidence we gained.
I would recommend anyone in our situation to get a few quotes for private instruction, or at the very least see ahead of time how a shop would handle time crunches; having DMs on the side for students that need more help, or being able to offer extra days of instruction (paid separately), etc, so one doesn’t have to just lose all their momentum (and progress and money) if things go sideways.
Thanks again for your leads, for the suggestion to get this resolved sooner so we could have closure, and all the general supportiveness and empathy! We look forward to many happy dives