BHB ScubaTroll
Liz, Excellent for you! I commend you for taking the "bull by the horns"!
It is only through complacency that lawlessness is allowed to become the norm!
Your non-complacency with Bonaire's issues is a major plus! :cool2:
It is only through complacency that lawlessness is allowed to become the norm!
Your non-complacency with Bonaire's issues is a major plus! :cool2:
Thanks for sending me the link to this, it is great appreciated.
Darren is correct in all that he states above. The security system is en route from the states and the back doors all have new non-pickable locks. Also after investigation this past week, we have decided to install land line phones. We have met with the local telephone company and discussed our concerns regarding other properties who have been burglarized and had land lines cut from outside. The cost is much higher, but well worth it.
On Friday we came up with a plan for underground wiring so that this will not be possible. They will actually come up through the apartments, so this is great. I have an appt. with them at the Inn tomorrow morning.
This system will be great where people who want to contact you will be able to reach you 24/7 and you will be able to reach the police and myself in an emergency by pressing one button.
Now regarding theft on Bonaire. I have done a lot of thinking about this. They know who is most likely doing the thefts (we were not the only ones hit!!!). Basically the problem is the judicial system on Bonaire . In the Kingdom's society it is imperative to protect ALL individuals rights, this is their belief in, for not a better way of saying it, a socialist/democratic society. This basically comes down to the fact that the government has to have "beyond a reasonable doubt" iron clad case. Witnesses are not a viable option. They need tangible evidence such as something on video (hence the security cameras), fingerprints or a confession. NO ONE can be convicted with "circumstancal evidence". On the good side, when convicted and if they appeal and lose (I've never heard of a case that didn't win an appeal) there sentence is extended.
The people who the police suspect of doing these robberies are a group that had the same "modus operandi" 2.5 years ago. They were recently let out of jail 3 months ago.
On Bonaire, the main reason for "petty theft" and breaking and entering and stealing things like cell phones, cash, IPODS, small cameras etc is for drugs.
My personal feeling is that the police and government needs to actively address this problem aggressively, the route cause of the thefts. These thefts are not only targeted to tourists, but to "well to do locals" as well (a very prominent Bonairean's home was robbed the day after we were). They need to make it VERY difficult for drug traffikers, dealers and users on Bonaire, so that they will say "let's go somewhere else" it is too hard to do business on this island.
I can tell you that we are starting to see things happen on Bonaire, that we have not seen before, which is positive in this area. Albeit, it is a only a dent, but we see what they call "GO FAST" which is the Dutch Coast Guard patrolling via the air at VERY LOW altitudes out at sea looking for drug ships. It was just in the newspaper that they made a drug bust in one of the most, if not the most prominent neighborhood on Bonaire.
There are some areas that need work though. I have thought long and hard and have decided to become a bit out spoken on island regarding this matter. Enough is enough, we have all had enough. We do not want our island to suffer any more.
I also suggest that you all email, write local officials here, I will get the appropriate email address for you in the next day or so and post them.
Darren and all others who have been a victim of crime on Bonaire, I can truly empathize with you. I too have been a victim, personally. 2.5 years ago this same group broke into our house while I was napping on the couch, stole my computer and had to actually stand right beside me and reach over me to get my purse. It was devastating.
So now I will do all that I can humanly do. Oh wait, good idea. I have a meeting with the police chief on Bonaire later this month. If you would like, write me letters at and I will personally hand deliver them, but still will get you government emails. It is important that the tourist voice be heard.
Thanks all.