Where did you think you read that MORE tourists go to Bonaire?That a higher percentage of Bonaire visitors are divers was stated.
He used the word "number", not "percentage". His actual statement was "I think we hear a lot about Bonaire because of the number of dive tourists that go there."
Number of tourists or number of dive tourists, either way Coz gets way more, so neither is an explanation of why we see so many reports of Bonaire crime as alleged.
We have diverged into a whizzing contest, form which nothing constructive can emerge.
I believe you have chosen that path by heretofore ignoring every valid point of discussion I have raised to focus instead on semantical issues because, as you stated, you find it more interesting. Ok then, with that off my chest I am done whizzing.
The rest of your post was quite reasonable and I thank you for addressing some of the issues I raised, such as explaining the disproportionate number of reports. Not sure I agree but it was a reasoned opinion. So let me try again. I stated in my first post in this thread that the petty crime reports would not prevent me from visiting Bonaire, just that one needs to have an awareness of the issues and take precautions. My only beef is the way some try to minimize and trivialize the issues, which could lead tourists into thinking they do not need to take such precautions. I'm pretty sure that the more serious crime issues will be dealt with as even the most loyal Bonaire fans and residents know that if those get out of hand, that will be a show stopper.