yeah, i was going to post for everyone to watch the nova show about taxifola. As a reef aquarium and scuba entusiast i found it very interesting. I Love taxifola, in my reef at home for the exact reasons it is terrible on the california coast. Tropical reefs have water that is pretty much devoid of nutrients, thus clear water, while california waters are rich in nutrients. We use the caulerpa to suck out the nutrients of our artificial saltwater to keep our reef healthy, and this ability to suck nutrients out of the water is what would allow it to grow so vigorously in california. It is illegal to sell or buy it in california but we still have ways to get ahold of it. I don't ever let it get close to my scuba gear though, for I love our coastline. We can do our part by reporting aquarium stores that sell caulerpa taxifola to people and by watching carefully for it in our waters. Here is a picture of caulerpa taxifola for everyone who didn't see the show or isn't familiar with it. Also if you find or see exotic species of anything in our waters report them to fish and game.