Backplate/wings Fit Questions.......

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Originally posted by jetblast00
Does anyone know the "Official DIR" method? I'm sure there is one, as much as I am pro-DIR, they are too black & white sometimes...

The pic I posted showed Irvine's wings with both the LP hose and corregated hose inside the bungie loop. Unless something has recently changed :rolleyes:, then that's the DIR method. I don't know how critical this is and don't really care. I've used it this way forever, and have never had a problem with flexibility of the hose for deflation. However, I can see how having just the LP hose in the bungie allows for the 'possibility' of accidentally disconnecting the LP hose from the inflator.

I'm just shrugging my shoulders here :).

Originally posted by Lost Yooper

Unless something has recently changed :rolleyes:, then that's the DIR method. Mike

Well you guys have stumbled upon something rather embarassing here....

Who defines DIR.... the coiner of the term and reigning guru of WKPP....

Or the training director of the GUE....

Perhaps we are mountain climbing over mole hills....

Not that my input should matter - here is my way:

The plate is located by your waist strap.... at your waist....
The shoulder straps are as Yoop described for looseness...but I like mine tighter...
The D rings are at the clavical (your collar bone)....
The corrugated hose goes under the bungee and the inflator hose is attached outside the bungee...
At the risk of fanning flames of contention for the most part
there is NO difference between backplates. If the plate is
comfortable for you then it is right for you: I use an OMS plate
and it is comfortable so I use it.

It is the rigging of the harness that is such a bone of contention
for many: cross the straps or not? quick release or not?

The wing(s) is also a source of argument: bungee or not?
way too long inflator or not? double bladders or not?

Here is a help-hint from the Green_Man for those who do
not currently do this (and I apologize if it is depicted on web-
sites, DIR or not) ...

1) obtain for thyself a "loop" of bicycle inner tube much like that
used on the harness to retain your backup light(s)

2) ssssstttttreeeetttttccccchhhh it over the inflator on your
wing and move it about 1/2 the way back along the corrugated

3) when rigging your LP hose, pass it first under the inner-tube

4) place the LP and corrugated through the bungee loop

5) you can now dis-connect the LP from the corrugated with
very little chance of the LP hose flopping away from you
and becoming un-reachable
Originally posted by Windknot
...Halcyon DOES NOT include an owners manual (at least I didnt get one)...


Ok, this is waaay from the beginning of the thread, but they do have an owner's manual of a sort, at

I'm sure you've already figured out everything in it, but at least you can print it out so you have a "manual" for it!

Thanks a bunch. I'm printing now.

I guess I have some questions for the shop that I purchased my equipment from...

Did you get a manual with yours?


Is there a Halcyon dealer in Michigan? I wasn't aware of one.

Originally posted by Windknot
Did you get a manual with yours?


Actually, I'm not even certified yet, just doing my homework for a future purchase!

Just to toss into the fray here, the holistic aspects of DIR. Things may seem odd at first but when looked at down the road in other types of diving or gear configurations they make more sense.

On the inflator hose and all, having the lp hose inside and corregated hose outside does make sense right off the bat.

But then fill a lift bag, diver alert marker, etc. and all of a sudden you corregated hose is flapping around. (not sure if this is an "official DIR sanctified" answer, my thoughts.

Then all of a sudden your having to balance:
1. finding the corregated hose
2. reconnecting 2 flapping hoses
3. managing lift bag
4. managing spool
5. managing situation that triggered the lift bag

Concerning the issue of who dictates DIR, this is one of the reasons I think there is so much contention. Halcyon bills itself as a/the DIR company but much of the stuff they sell would not be seen on a WKPP diver. There are also a million little ideosyncracies one is always hearing about.

It is also always evolving, and in the Internet era, much mis info can abound.

The DIR Fund book is a decent place to start but it does not have a specific guide on a lot of stuff.

One example is I think every pic of a reg in the Joblonski book is ScubaPro, but ol Irvine is religious on Apeks.

Also, the point, IMO, is understanding exactly why something is being done and not just to do it because anyone says so. I have found GI to be pretty responsive (not always in the most loving and congenial way as your ideal mama though) in providing the whys of what he recommends.

Hope this helps...

Originally posted by tombiowami
But then fill a lift bag, diver alert marker, etc. and all of a sudden you corregated hose is flapping around. (not sure if this is an "official DIR sanctified" answer, my thoughts.

Then all of a sudden your having to balance:
1. finding the corregated hose
2. reconnecting 2 flapping hoses
3. managing lift bag
4. managing spool
5. managing situation that triggered the lift bag

Use your drysuit hose to fill the lift bag as it's your backup BC; don't diconnect your primary on purpose. That way you can leave the drysuit disconnected if you don't have the time/skill to manage replacing it in a lift bag situation; you still have your primary BC, the wing. You won't need to add air to your suit, as you'll be assending.

That takes care of points 1 & 2. as for 3-4 well, yeah, you have to practice liftbag management to become good at it.

If you dive wet, then you might want to consider an open circut lift bag that you can fill from a reg.

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