Backplate/wings Fit Questions.......

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I've never seen anyone cross the straps on a halcyon backpate, I don't, and I wouldn't recommend you to either... there is a rule for backplate height on your shoulders, but i forget it... you want it pretty high though so you can reach all your knobs (this is always most important I think)

you want the D-rings at a specific spot found by doing this:
Standing up, hang your arm at your side. bend your arm at the elbow, without moving the upper part of your arm, so that your hand comes up to the shoulder strap. Where your forefinger and thumb touch is where you want the D-ring (pretty high, huh?) This will let you have easy access to clip on/off your primary, etc..

you want the belt buckle to be on the right of the crotch strap by about 2-4 or so inches. dive it a couple times before you cut off the exess

put just the LP hose through the bungee, not the corregated hose coming off your wing. this will keep it up close to you while horizontal, while letting you pull it up when you need to deflate.

EDIT: you shouldn't undo the LP hose while diving... that's why the bungee is there, it'll streeeeech when you need to elevate the power inflator (remember, if you are in a horizontal position, you won't need to elevate it very much :wink: )

Hope it helps
Originally posted by boomx5
Why is the Halcyon prefered over the diverite or the ranger?

Wow... that's a pretty big question.
Simplicity, streamlined, continuity amungst divers...
I have a Halcyon setup and a ranger, and everytime I put on my ranger I feel way to bulky to move, to constrained, etc... I hate it, but that's a personal opinion.

The halcyon setup is a whole dive system (yes, this is turning into a DIR post...) that can move laterally accross the board between differant types of gear, setups, environments, and divers.

But, since this is a BC thread, in terms of BC lift:
yes, I know that the ranger can take doubles, but with only 44lbs of lift, you really would only want to put doubled Al tanks on it. the BP/Wing system lets you move between all differant types of lift capacities for differant needs (single, double, Al, steel, exposure suit, etc...)
Originally posted by Lost Yooper

This is a good pic that shows the proper should shoulder strap position and the bungie on the inflator hose.

I have to disagree with that picture you posted. The pic has both the LP hose and the corregated wing hose going through the bungee. You should (read: I) only put the LP hose through the bungee. Try a dive like that and you'll see a huge differance in power inflator manuverability, while still keeping it close to your body during the dive.

of course, you should run the LP hose through the inner tubbing on the corregated hose above the bungee like the pic shows, but a little higher so the LP hose can slide a bit when you move it. That way the LP hose stays on the corregated hose and the whole thing stays on you body, but you can easily move it when you want to.
I understand the way you're doing it now. I see that you edited your post up there which left me a bit confused -- doesn't take much, eh? :D


I originally configured as Jetblast described, with the LP hose through the bungee, corrugated hose outside.

Correct me if I'm wrong though, but I belive that in the Fundy class, AG corrected this, and placed the cor hose inside, LP hose outside. Reason being, that if the hose was to ever get snagged or entangled, it didn't take much force to pop it off.
Originally posted by chrisnycdive
I originally configured as Jetblast described, with the LP hose through the bungee, corrugated hose outside.

Correct me if I'm wrong though, but I belive that in the Fundy class, AG corrected this, and placed the cor hose inside, LP hose outside. Reason being, that if the hose was to ever get snagged or entangled, it didn't take much force to pop it off.

Yes, remembering back, I believe you are right, but I still like the LP inside / corr. outside the bungee way better. I think that the gained advantage of LP inflator manuverability wins over the probability of a LP hose disconnection. Partly because, even in the event of an LP hose disconnection, It's easy enough to put back on, or orally inflate in a pinch.
Does anyone know the "Official DIR" method? I'm sure there is one, as much as I am pro-DIR, they are too black & white sometimes...
Originally posted by jetblast00

I think that the gained advantage of LP inflator manuverability wins over the probability of a LP hose disconnection.

Agree, I want the manurverability as well.

Another tweek of the harness we did, was moving the chest d-rings up, so that when you crossed your arm(s) in front of your body, they didn't interfere in the movement, or dig in. With the rings up that far, manuverability is gained back. Keeping the rubber tubing high on the harness is important as well, or you negate what you just gained.

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