Is an AIR2 type configuration ideal for every gear configuration? No, it’s not.
If you are diving where a 7’ hose is needed, it’s not a good option. If we are talking about Open Water, it’s not a bad choice. Provided you know how to use it. Mine is adjusted properly. Might breathe a bit harder than my primary, but not by much.
One thing it offers is a consistent position for the secondary. One that should be almost second nature to the diver. I use a Zeagle Octo-Z. I grab it a few times during a dive as it controls my buoyancy as well. Last year I took a Rescue course with two of my regular dive buddies. Two of use use an AIR 2 type configuration. One used a standard inflator and separate alternate. All of us are primary donate.
During the course, we did air sharing numerous times. Only one of us had an issue locating the secondary after donating the primary. The standard alternate had come loose from it’s stowed position.
Is it ideal for every situation? No, it’s not. But for OW dives with divers familiar with primary donate, it’s certainly not the death trap that some claim. If it works for you, it’s a viable option.
And with an AI transmitter, and no SPG, the two hose setup packs up easily. I honestly don’t know how some configurations (7’ primary, secondary, SPG, and inflator) fit in a standard single reg bag.