Back from Costa Rica - Guanacaste

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I'm back from Costa Rica - Guanacaste area...
Diving in Guanacaste area is spectacular and when I say this I'm referring to the marine life less to the water visibility which is around 30ft - 45ft.
I've seen humpback whales, dolphins, white tip sharks, several varieties of eels, hard and soft corals, starfish, jewfish, turtles, octopus, hundreds of rays of all types.
Water temperature was most of the time around 78-84F with few thermoclines here and there specially in deep water. Dive Masters are ok, they sometimes go fast on the safety part of the briefing, and sometimes go for the deeper dive after the shallower one but overall they're pretty good and knowledgeable.
Bottom is mostly dark sand spotted with rocks or coral, sometimes rock formations with channels in between give divers the option to do a drift dive.
You'll need a shortly for protection mostly, jelly fish tentacles are abundant in the water. I've seen some rented equipment and it looked pretty good for a resort diveshop. Once you're in the boat your gear is assembled and ready for you.
I went with Resort Divers ( across the bay from us; the personnel is very friendly and they know how to make you enjoy the day...

More details and pictures:

Thanks for the report! I'm headed down to CR next month and was looking for some advice. No plans are set yet.
Great place to go, January and February are the best months to be there... no humidity!! Pick the dive operator before, write them and email, or even call have everything arranged before, most are providing good services.


Thanks for the report! I'm headed down to CR next month and was looking for some advice. No plans are set yet.
Thanks for the report! I'm headed down to CR next month and was looking for some advice. No plans are set yet.

And many here at SB are interested in Costa Rica! Hang around, monitor for questions and be sure to jump in. It's great to hear such a positive report from someone who has obviously been around the block once or twice.


I'll be swinging over to Honduras as well. Any recommendations for operations/resorts on the island?
I'm back from Costa Rica - Guanacaste area...
Diving in Guanacaste area is spectacular and when I say this I'm referring to the marine life less to the water visibility which is around 30ft - 45ft.
I've seen humpback whales, dolphins, white tip sharks, several varieties of eels, hard and soft corals, starfish, jewfish, turtles, octopus, hundreds of rays of all types.
Water temperature was most of the time around 78-84F with few thermoclines here and there specially in deep water. Dive Masters are ok, they sometimes go fast on the safety part of the briefing, and sometimes go for the deeper dive after the shallower one but overall they're pretty good and knowledgeable.
Bottom is mostly dark sand spotted with rocks or coral, sometimes rock formations with channels in between give divers the option to do a drift dive.
You'll need a shortly for protection mostly, jelly fish tentacles are abundant in the water. I've seen some rented equipment and it looked pretty good for a resort diveshop. Once you're in the boat your gear is assembled and ready for you.
I went with Resort Divers ( across the bay from us; the personnel is very friendly and they know how to make you enjoy the day...

More details and pictures:


Glad to hear the positive experience. I'm headed there in March. Hope to see something new and exciting. I'm getting a little bored with Caribbean diving.
Costa Rica is a beautiful country with a lot of things to see, people are very nice and friendly, diving is great even if vis is not as good as Caribbean. I will go back for sure because so far it was the best vacation we ever had… and we have been in quite few places.


Glad to hear the positive experience. I'm headed there in March. Hope to see something new and exciting. I'm getting a little bored with Caribbean diving.
I'm planning a 8-10 day trip to Costa Rica in May. Trying to decide where to stay but leaning towards Allegro Papagayo or the Occidental Grand Papagayo. We're definitely going to do some diving and I'm going contact Resort divers. Any other diving organizations worth looking into?

Any specific spots that we should make sure we dive at?

There is a dive shop close to the beach (20m from the restaurant) right into the Allegro Papagayo resort but they asked 15$ more per dive compare to Resort Divers.
I found out later that some guys I dove with paid 15$ US more per dive with the Allegro dive shop. Contact Resort Divers and you'll be ok...


I'm planning a 8-10 day trip to Costa Rica in May. Trying to decide where to stay but leaning towards Allegro Papagayo or the Occidental Grand Papagayo. We're definitely going to do some diving and I'm going contact Resort divers. Any other diving organizations worth looking into?

Any specific spots that we should make sure we dive at?


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