Awesome first dive!!!

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Waretown, NJ
# of dives
0 - 24
I dove in real water for the first time on Sunday:D. My friend had shown me how to dive in his pool, but we went out on his boat with him and some of his diving buddies and it was my first dive in the ocean. We went to the Ida K and it was awesome. The water was really clear for NJ water at least. I borrowed his extra gear, but want to get my own. It was little chilly cause I was wearing my winter surfing wetsuit (6/5mil), but not too bad.

I'm thinking of getting certified even though he says its a waste of time (he's been diving since the 70's). But, I suppose better safe than sorry. Any one know good shops around Waretown, NJ?

Hopefully we can go out next weekend.

Also caught a bunch of blues afterwards. There were bunker all over the place. Hoping for some fluke soon. Maybe I'll get a spear gun :)
Check this guy out, he is the best....
Ben Teichberg - Home

what you don't know CAN kill you....................
Dude.. bad move, get certified. All you are going to do is loose your buddies gear and have the Coast Guard do alot of work trying to save your sorry butt.

There are NO dive shops between Brick and Northfield
Dude.. bad move, get certified. All you are going to do is loose your buddies gear and have the Coast Guard do alot of work trying to save your sorry butt.

There are NO dive shops between Brick and Northfield

Actually there is at least one, about one mile north of the Northfield shop; Atlantic Divers. And Aqua Tech is up the road a ways but too far west, probably.
I dove in real water for the first time on Sunday:D. My friend had shown me how to dive in his pool, but we went out on his boat with him and some of his diving buddies and it was my first dive in the ocean. We went to the Ida K and it was awesome. The water was really clear for NJ water at least. I borrowed his extra gear, but want to get my own. It was little chilly cause I was wearing my winter surfing wetsuit (6/5mil), but not too bad.

I'm thinking of getting certified even though he says its a waste of time (he's been diving since the 70's). But, I suppose better safe than sorry. Any one know good shops around Waretown, NJ?

Hopefully we can go out next weekend.

Also caught a bunch of blues afterwards. There were bunker all over the place. Hoping for some fluke soon. Maybe I'll get a spear gun :)
Welcome to SB. Your friend may be your friend and all, but he isn't the guy to listen too on the certification part of your dive future. At the very least, you want to have access to dive gear such as AIR where ever you dive right? Need a card for that. Can't get a card unless you're certified. How for can you dive before you get narc'd? What color should you generally avoid touching while diving? What's the best way to calc' your bottom time? What do you do if your buddy is in an OOA panic attack at 100'?

Look at this another way. You start out a rec diver. Without a cert you can go no farther. Want to do anything at all other than rec diving away from your area and you are stuck. Take the class and get the best start you can. The life you save might be ... mine even :D

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