Awesome conditions today at OML

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Reaction score
Redondo Beach, California
# of dives
500 - 999
It has been about two years since I have dived at OML, until today, that is. Thank you to Billy,John,Claudette and Ken for leading the dive. Billy,thank you again for bringing me a battery for my computer,you saved my dive! The conditions were incredible today: FLAT seas,no surge,25'-30' vis,lots of nudis,lots of bugs,beautiful kelp forests,lots of fish,one really big lingcod, and some octopuses,too.The water was about 55 degrees.The hike down to the entry point was'nt too bad, but having a cart (I did'nt)to haul your gear is the way to go.I can't wait to do this dive again and again!Thanks again to my buddies, I REALLY enjoyed this dive!
Glad you had a good time, wish i could have made it. I need to get back in the water. Ive been out 3 weeks now, Due to the weather and then this weekend i had to work both days. :( Unfortunately my only days off are on the 26th and 27th and i dont think any one will wanna dive either of those days.
Glad to hear you guys had a good dive (okay, not really....I was hoping it was going to be crappy and I'd feel better about missing it...). Found out this afternoon that one of the tanks we used last night must have shifted around in the trunk and the valve opened up and let all the air out (hehe, all 300 psi that Stephen didn't use yesterday!), so now we have to get a VIP in the next three days....would have ended up missing this dive for so many reasons, so I guess it's good that I didn't psych myself up to go!

Jamie, now that you know the site, you wanna lead on January 10th and/or 11th? Tide is super high in the morning and I'm planning on getting a cart and making a dive or two here that weekend if possible! Anyways, I am glad your dive went well, but I also am jealous.

And Erika, I feel you....we're going to be out of the water for an extended surface interval till January 5th at the very earliest, more likely till the 10th or 11th though. Ugh!
Glad to hear you guys had a good dive (okay, not really....I was hoping it was going to be crappy and I'd feel better about missing it...). Found out this afternoon that one of the tanks we used last night must have shifted around in the trunk and the valve opened up and let all the air out (hehe, all 300 psi that Stephen didn't use yesterday!), so now we have to get a VIP in the next three days....would have ended up missing this dive for so many reasons, so I guess it's good that I didn't psych myself up to go!

Jamie, now that you know the site, you wanna lead on January 10th and/or 11th? Tide is super high in the morning and I'm planning on getting a cart and making a dive or two here that weekend if possible! Anyways, I am glad your dive went well, but I also am jealous.

Hey Nicole,sorry that you and Stephen could'nt make it today.I would love to go back on Jan.10th/11th with you two. I'm going to try and make it back this week if conditions and work/holiday stuff allows me to. I'm definitely going to get a cart,too.
If I don't talk to or see you guys soon,have a safe and enjoyable holiday!
Hey Jaime it was great diving with you guys again and yes to all that didn't show up you missed an awesome dive.

Hey Erika Robert & I will be on the Spectre the 27th come join us.

That sounds so inviting...... How much is it? Can you PM me details.....
OML has such strong boosters I need to dive it, maybe a lot! What kind of cart works best? I know it needs big fat wheels, but do people use an open cart, or a closed box on wheels? Anyone have a photo of what they use?
OML has such strong boosters I need to dive it, maybe a lot! What kind of cart works best? I know it needs big fat wheels, but do people use an open cart, or a closed box on wheels? Anyone have a photo of what they use?

I remember there being a post on this awhile back ago you might be able to find one......
Hey Nicole,sorry that you and Stephen could'nt make it today.I would love to go back on Jan.10th/11th with you two. I'm going to try and make it back this week if conditions and work/holiday stuff allows me to. I'm definitely going to get a cart,too.
If I don't talk to or see you guys soon,have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

Awesome, post a pic of what you get! I think I'm going to get a cart similar to Cody's....just a hand truck with nice big wheels to make it over the rough terrain. Stephen will have to get one as well, unless he wants to tough it out and make the schlep.

OML has such strong boosters I need to dive it, maybe a lot! What kind of cart works best? I know it needs big fat wheels, but do people use an open cart, or a closed box on wheels? Anyone have a photo of what they use?

Hey Rex, check out this thread for cart ideas...
Ugh I'm sooo jealous!

I wanted to dive so bad today! Thanks for the call last nite Jamie, sadly I was tied up all day in loan doc and builder contract hell :( Glad you guys had a great dive!

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