Avatar Sizes Reduced????

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Reaction score
San Diego, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
I tried to upload my daily avatar and was confronted with:

"That image is too large. The maximum dimensions are 100 by 75 pixels."

I think this is ridiculous, why the reduction in size. We live in an era where storage is soooo cheap. That is so small I would have to use my grandma's magnification glasses to see what it is............nice MODS, who's bright idea was this??

PS. I hate rules............
I tried to upload my daily avatar and was confronted with:

"That image is too large. The maximum dimensions are 100 by 75 pixels."

I think this is ridiculous, why the reduction in size. We live in an era where storage is soooo cheap. That is so small I would have to use my grandma's magnification glasses to see what it is............nice MODS, who's bright idea was this??

Our main server has 2 73gig scsci drives, we use about 20% of that, our other servers have another several hundred gigs of space. As for bandwidth, we are allotted over 3tb and use less than one. Clearly the rule isnt isn't an issue of storage or bandwidth, but instead of browser space. While a good percentage of our users have large monitors and fast connections, many users are still on dialup and at least 30% still use 800x600 monitor resolutions. While we want to have as advanced a site as popular, we have to think about our users as a whole and not just our high speed ones.

I have upped the limits to 100x100 as the space in which the avatar appears is budgeted for that much room. Anything larger is just using too much room on the screen.
Tech Admin:
Our main server has 2 73gig scsci drives, we use about 20% of that, our other servers have another several hundred gigs of space. As for
blah, blah, blah.........
I have upped the limits to 100x100 as the space in which the avatar appears is budgeted for that much room. Anything larger is just using too much room on the screen.

I think I'm beginning to like you...........100x100 is perfect (Actually, mine are all 90X90). Thank you.

PS. If you are one of the users on a 800X600 monitor, jump out the window.
Tech Admin:
...at least 30% still use 800x600 monitor resolutions.
That's an incredibly far fetched estimate. A more accurate number would probably be 1%, the same number that are still using Windows 3.1 :slick:
That's an incredibly far fetched estimate. A more accurate number would probably be 1%, the same number that are still using Windows 3.1 :slick:

liberato, 1% may use 640x480 but 800x600 is still very, very common. I don't have our stats anywhere "public" but you can see some pretty global stats at http://www.thecounter.com/stats/2004/November/res.php which shows 31% using 800x600.

Of course the trend is moving away from 800x600 and as explained in an amazing google answer (http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=341264) a lot of data reports about 800x600 being the "most prevelant" resolution are out dated. I imagine by the end of 2005 we will see 800x600 drop to 10% or lower which will be a great thing for sites like ScubaBoard. Until then we try and insure our pages "fit" in 800x600 but obviously they are optimized for higher resolutions.
Thanks for the data. I humbly stand corrected and remain incredulous that that is so in 2004. So, when I view a page my browser reports the screen resolution. Nice!
What about user names that make the panel about 40% than it needs to be?
I think I'm beginning to like you...........100x100 is perfect (Actually, mine are all 90X90). Thank you.

PS. If you are one of the users on a 800X600 monitor, jump out the window.

Your avatars, in particular, should be much bigger....

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