I was trying to have a little fun with Avalon, since it seems to be the Holy Grail of this generation of divers ( I love the responses, I'm just too lazy to dive Avalon, is that all you got?). I will admit to only having a couple hundred working dives there (not as many as Dr. Bill, but I don't live there). I guess what I was trying to say is that there are better dives in socal then Avalon (cheaper, safer, easier to access). You can go out on almost any of our local dive boats and they are safer, cheaper, and easier to access. On a good day you can dive our local beaches and they are a safer, cheaper, and easier to access then Avalon (to be truthful I would rather dive at Divers Cove on a good day then dive at Avalon of a great day). Avalon has always been a marginal dive site. The park is a really small area to dive, it gets deep quick, it has lots of obstructions, it silts up easily and with a little swell the entry and exits can be dangerous( they really should make the divers have reservation to dive there and limit the number of divers in the park at one time, and check certification) . It's a good place for experienced west coast divers and Advance classes. It's not a good place for new divers, warm water divers or entry level classes.
Avalon is what it is, for me it was always the last option.