You hit the jackpot on that one! Yikes. This is the kind of guy that gives us real instructors a bad name, I think. What a moron. One of my pet peeves is that it's just too easy to become an instructor with certain agencies. Regardless, this dude sounds like he'd be an idiot no matter what he was doing.
You had a comment that I would like to ask about.
"All of them dove nitrox." Was there something inherently wrong with this? Most agencies allow using Nitrox on OW dives if the coursework has been done otherwise. The reasoning (I'm not saying I agree) is that using nitrox does not introduce any truly new in-water skills. In dive planning you'd have a max depth whether or not you had a Nitrox MOD, no? But you said they were on their "post-OW-certification-celebration-trip", so they were already certified? I hope so, because 15 is 7 more STUDENTS than one instructor is allowed to take into OW.
Take a deep breath. Exhale. Ah, relax!
You hit the jackpot on that one! Yikes. This is the kind of guy that gives us real instructors a bad name, I think. What a moron. One of my pet peeves is that it's just too easy to become an instructor with certain agencies. Regardless, this dude sounds like he'd be an idiot no matter what he was doing.
You had a comment that I would like to ask about.
"All of them dove nitrox." Was there something inherently wrong with this? Most agencies allow using Nitrox on OW dives if the coursework has been done otherwise. The reasoning (I'm not saying I agree) is that using nitrox does not introduce any truly new in-water skills. In dive planning you'd have a max depth whether or not you had a Nitrox MOD, no? But you said they were on their "post-OW-certification-celebration-trip", so they were already certified? I hope so, because 15 is 7 more STUDENTS than one instructor is allowed to take into OW.
Take a deep breath. Exhale. Ah, relax!
