2 tanks, 3 dives, oh well.
Date:08 August 2004
Dive Location: Crescent Bay
Time: 8:42 AM
Bottom Time: 23:20
Max Depth: 64 FSW
Vis: 15-20 (maybe)
Wave height: 1 foot or less
Temp at depth: 57 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 61 Suunto degrees
Tide information: Low: 9:23 AM 2.6 High: 5:30 AM 3.0 feet
Date:08 August 2004
Dive Location: Crescent Bay Seal Rock
Time: 9:25 AM
Bottom Time: 28:00
Max Depth: 37 FSW
Vis: 15-20 (maybe)
Wave height: 1 foot or less
Temp at depth:64 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 64 Suunto degrees
Tide information: Low: 9:23 AM 2.6 High: 5:30 AM 3.0 feet
Date:08 August 2004
Dive Location: Crescent Bay Deadmans Reef
Time: 11:26 AM
Bottom Time: 50:10 min
Max Depth: 50 FSW
Vis: 15-20 (maybe)
Wave height: 1 foot or less
Temp at depth: 57 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 61 Suunto degrees
Tide information: Low: 9:23 AM 2.6 High: 5:30 AM 3.0 feet
This was an official Wrinkles dive. We met up with 7 divers for the first tank and 9 divers for the 2nd tank. First tank we swam out and dropped down heading for Deadmans Reef. At least that was the objective. We missed it and found ourselves in 64 FSW with no reef just lots of sand we had swam over. Surfaced and did a surface swim over to Seal Rock for our second dive of the day and still our first tank. Saw the usual suspects including the ever accommodating sea lions who came out to play with us. A good dive made better by the company. We swam back to shore for a 1 hour SI and then donning our second tanks and with reinforcements, headed back out. The group went in different directions with Divebuddysean, diverbrazil and myself (pasley) heading back out to Deadmans Reef. The others tooled around along the reef on the west side of Crescent Bay. My group swam out along the reef on the west of the cove and then even with Seal Rock. Dropped down and swam South, South West until we cam to the reef. Watching both bottom time and air. We saw lots of life and the usual critters. Turned the dive on both air and bottom time. Looked up and there in about 25 feet of water was a Mola Mola about 4 feet long. Kool, had not seen that there before. Note to self, look up occasionally when diving. Also spotted (thanks divebuddysean) a large octopus on the return. Head was about 7-8 inches long. Great dive with great friends. Surf was 1 foot or so. Lake Pacific. If you were not diving today, you were in the wrong place.
Photos courtesy of divebuddysean