I can see your concern, but it stems from a misunderstanding of the attachment and/or not having experience with it.elmbruker:Wow, I'm pretty new to diving but am interested in many of the theory's/techniques of better and safer diving I have read in the tech forums. This unfortunately is not one of them! Question?, wouldn't it be better not to create additional failure points by tying knots all over our rigs? There are many mechanical hardware options to connect clips to spg's, hoses, and backup light's eliminating the failure points created by tying knots! Although that is a good knot.
IMHO...One very simple and much more reliable way is to cut the D-ring/O-ring on the clip itself, bend it out a little, place over eyelet on backup light etc. and re crimp it....more compact, much cleaner, and much stronger. Others might include, but are not limited to small crimped SS o-rings, small key chain keepers etc. Use your imagination, but get rid of all those addition failure point knots...
My opinions expressed here are just that...you results may very depending on your willingness to think outside the box!
These things *do not break* unless you cut them. Period. They work, and you can cut them apart unlike metal connections.