Athens Scuba Park 7/28

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Jim (Better Late Than Never)& I are going to meet there around 9:30ish so he can get some more bottom time in before his trip. Anyone else interested is welcome.
How long ya going to be there? I gotta work Saturday and it takes 2 hours from Denton to Athens peddling flat out. Earliest I could leave Denton is 1:30p.

I hope to make a day of it. We hadn't really discussed how long we would be there. It's easy diving so who knows? Come on out. Sounds like you will be getting there about lunch time.

There should be a new rule no one can dive for the next 16 days. On a serious note have a great time!!!! I hope to join ya all sometime :)
After last weekend I plan to get my money's worth this time!! I logged a grand total of 78 minutes of bottom time doing the Rescue class last week - 49 minutes of which was a fun dive a couple of us did after class was over.

Hey Mike, my LDS is doing the Gardens trip on 9/1. Problem is I booked on the Rig trip 9/8. Bigger problem is Barbara aint happy with me doing 2 extended weekend trips in a row. Do you want to take my place on the Rig trip? Corsair & Lynette are on board so ya won't be lonely. Let me know before I call Oceans Window to cancel.
What was the date again for Rig trip? I might consider it if Lynnette & BJ will let me ride down with them (that Silverado of theirs is downright comfy!). And what's the cost?

Oh, now that I've got my net connection going at new apartment, my phone connection is no "off line" (go figure). Turns out the network guy is one of the principal investors of this apartment complex and he let on that they are not very happy with the electrical subcontractor that did the computer and phone wiring.
Hmmm....I think I might just join you two at Athens. Be nice to get in another 2 hours on to my dive log. Do you know which dock you'll be jumping off of?

Also, it's possible that Ron Carlo, instructor extraordinaire from Sand & Sea Scuba, will be at Athens this weekend. I'd like to introduce you if we get the chance.

And I can highly recommend the Italian restaurant that is near by the park.
The Rig trip is Saturday, September 9th. $145.00. BJ was talking about heading out Friday after work - I don't know what time. I think it's about an 8 hour drive. Everyone meets at the boat at 6:30AM on Saturday.

Hmmm - wonder why Norton just flashed me?!!! (Stop, Breathe, Think, Breathe) Think I'll just idle awhile till it's done.

OK I'm back.

I'm going to have to leave Athens tomorrow around 4:00 - no later than 5:00. Barbara's says her party dress is cryin so I got to catch up on some of my home work. If ya make it out we should be able to get in an hour tour dive before I leave. BTLN says he wants to work on his navigation so I'll bet he'll still want to dive some more. Tabatha's going to meet us and she'll probably want to stay later too. Heck she'll probably still be on her first tank!
Where to meet you at athens?
Hey Mike, just look for my car. In case you don't remember it's a Teal green New Yorker with a light brown top, hard to miss.

I'm sure I'll still have a dive or two or three left in me when you get there.

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