Laurence Stein DDS
Medical Moderator
outlawaggie:crush the asprin first. It is absorbed even quicker.
I take one every day. However my doctor advised me to make sure the people you are with know you take asprin and the dose (325mg or 81 mg) as it is important to let med staff know in the event of an emergency. ie severe cut.
Two points,
Aspirin under the tongue. a conscious patient, first crushed than washed down with a little water if possible. You haven't seen a nasty burn until you see an aspirin burn in the mouth. It even looks like cancer to us dentists.
Next, Neither aspirin nor other "blood thinners" actually "thin" the blood in the context of making it more runny. Aspirin affects platelet agglutination. They don't stick together well and as a result, they don't initiate clotting. Other blood thinners work on other portions of the clotting mechanism and in doing so prevent all the physical or chemical steps necessary to allow blood to clot.
Bleeding may indeed appear to be more runny. But this is because we don't see the thickening of the blood before the clot forms. In reality, the blood in your system stays just as fluid as ever. Appearance is deceiving.
Another little "factoid"...emergency administration of medication under the tongue can be used for many medications. Injectibles can be given under the tongue and it is absorbed nearly as fast as IV and certainly faster than IM. Most professionals are not comfortable with this method but it can beat the heck out of trying to find a vein.
Laurence Stein, DDS