All threads on DCS need to be read in the context that no one KNOWS what causes DCS. There are many studies and scientific theories. Many of these have even been demonstrated at cellular level; but not as applied to the human body. Over time the dive industry has developed algorithms and procedures that have, for the most part, proven to result in divers not being hurt with DCS. But, exactly why this is so remains a mystery.
That is why terms like "conservative diving", or "aggressive diving" are just about devoid of actual as differentiated from psychological meaning.
Now, then, just because we don't know what causes DCS should we throw up our hands and disregard the practices that have become standard in the industry? No, just because a person does not know doesn't mean that there are demonstrated practices that can diminish the likelyhood of DCS occuring.
SCUBA is not a cut and dried activity. There are no guarantees. Each dive is in a very real way an experiment with accompanying risks. Following accepted practices minimizes the risks, but does not eliminate them.
But, while this is so a quick reference to DAN information tells us that for all the publicity about DCS it remains a rare event. One is much more likely to be hurt with DCI or some other trauma or disease than DCS.
That is why terms like "conservative diving", or "aggressive diving" are just about devoid of actual as differentiated from psychological meaning.
Now, then, just because we don't know what causes DCS should we throw up our hands and disregard the practices that have become standard in the industry? No, just because a person does not know doesn't mean that there are demonstrated practices that can diminish the likelyhood of DCS occuring.
SCUBA is not a cut and dried activity. There are no guarantees. Each dive is in a very real way an experiment with accompanying risks. Following accepted practices minimizes the risks, but does not eliminate them.
But, while this is so a quick reference to DAN information tells us that for all the publicity about DCS it remains a rare event. One is much more likely to be hurt with DCI or some other trauma or disease than DCS.