This is the post I was referring to on the FifthDX yahoo group. It is interesting to note that it is not what was taught in any fundies class that I have attended, including the one he taught. So, I don't know what the 'real' answer is. I have email correspondence from another GUE instructor saying very explicitly stating that one is to start deep stops at 80% ATA and then proceed at 10fpm up from there.
Who knows. I guess I'll learn the real stuff in Tech 1, eh?
Who knows. I guess I'll learn the real stuff in Tech 1, eh?

CRDiver:From Michael Kane:
Rather then introduce certain concepts at the Fundamental level, specifically 80% of ATA's, we recommend for an otherwise recreational profile, to start the deep stops at 50' from the max. depth. In other words, if you did a 120' dive, start the deep stops at 70'. Then do 30 second stops, with 30 second moves until you start your "safety" stops. In lieu of the industry standard of 3 minutes at 15', we recommend doing an additional minute at 30', then a minute at 20' and then a minute at 10'.
So to summarize, you do 30 FPM ascent rates, you start your deep stops at 50' off the max. depth, continue "deep stops" at 30 second stop- 30 second move intervals until you get to 30'. Then do 1 minute at 30', 1 minute at 20' and 1 minute at 10'.
Bear in mind, this ascent rate strategy applies to no mandatory
decompression diving within otherwise defined recreational limits. If you plan of progressing to deeper then "recreational" limits and/or doing mandatory decompression diving, this strategy is inapplicable.