gedunk once bubbled...
Jane went a little further than verbalizing her desire for social change. When she acted on her beliefs in Hanoi against American citizens in prison there, she went WAY over the line of acceptable civil disobedience IMO.
As I said, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
socal: how do you reconcile your contradictory viewpoints? Can Jane and Tom speak out (whine) and still remain here? Can whiners be 'good' Americans? Or are you speaking as gedunk and ladydiver suggest about Jane's actions in Hanoi? I really don't mean to pick on you, I just don't like to see Americans who can't accept diversity of opinion. Intolerance really scares the kaka out of me.
Can a good American speak out against the government? Or is it my country right or wrong? I served my time in the corps, put my butt on the line, and I disagree with many things I see this country doing. And I believe it's my duty to try to change those things, by voting, speaking out, and engaging in nonviolent protests when necessary. Just as it was my duty when I was active to obey the orders of the President, whether or not I agreed with them.
Dectek: great point about the flag! d'ya think it's the same people who buy sports paraphernalia when the team's winning? And brings to mind again my pet peeve about those freaks (you know who they are) who put flags on their vehicles and go driving around. Not that that in and of itself is bad, but they don't remove them at night (and they're not properly lighted); the flags get tattered and aren't properly destroyed/replaced, they're allowed to disintegrate (most of us have seen the tattered ones); and when they fall off they lie beside the road on the ground. Is this a way to show respect? Get a freakin' red, white and blue banner or a sticker or something. I may not agree with my government, I may protest against policys I abhor, but I'm an American, I love the United States (even when I don't always love her government or some of her people), I think the Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever written (have you read it?), and Old Glory is the symbol for all of the underlying good inherent in the foundation of the US. And it really offends me to see her treated like a foam finger at a football game.
(did I get carried away there?)