Arms hacked of Italian Christ of Abyss Statue

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Capt Scotty

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Arms hacked of Italian Christ of Abyss Statue

Thank goodness that it wasn't the one in Key Largo

Scuba diving Satanists who hacked off the arms of a submerged statue of Jesus Christ are being hunted by Italian police.

The attack was carried out at a depth of 75ft below the surface of the sea on the statute which is known as the Christ of the Abyss.

It was sent to the bottom of the Mediterranean by Pope John Paul II in December 2000 at a ceremony for the Italian Diving Association and is a well known landmark for divers.
christ of the abyss

Christ of the Abyss: Police suspect Satanists may have hacked off the statue's arms

Instructor Domenico Battistello, 61, who runs the International Diving Centre at Giglio, an island of the coast of Tuscany, 80 miles from Rome, discovered the handless statue during a dive.

'"The statue is well known to all the divers and it was placed there following a blessing ceremony by Pope John Paul II,' he said.

'The hands of the Christ were raised upwards and it faced out to sea and it was a symbol for anyone who had anything to do with the Mediterranean.

'It's not clear when it happened as during the winter not many people go diving but I found the statue with no hands a couple of days ago.

'I was taking a dive and swam up to the statute but as I got closer I noticed the arms were missing from the elbows down.

'I looked around in the sand but there was no trace of them they had just disappeared - it is a disgrace.

'Someone has deliberately wanted to attack a religious symbol that is held very dearly by fishermen, divers and locals - we hold a yearly procession to the statue.'

A police spokesman on Giglio said: 'Because of the depth it is very unlikely that the statue was damaged by a propeller or net.

'It looks like a very deliberate attack and because it is 25 metres underwater someone was very well equipped to go down there and take off the arms.

'It's possible it could be an attack by Satanists who knew the statue was there and who also knew that it was a very revered symbol for the locals so it is a line of investigation.'
Thank goodness that it wasn't the one in Key Largo

Why? It seems to me it's much worse happening to the original. The one in Key Largo is the second copy. The original is the one vandalized, it rests in San Fruttuoso Bay neat Genoa, it's been there since 1954 (except for the time it was raise to replace a hand in 2003). The second was placed in St. George's Harbor in Grenada in 1961. The third was placed off Key Largo in 1965.
Yea, I read this a few weeks back, I was cave diving there with a cave diver named piero, our language barrier told me at 25 meteres is a whole as he raised up his arms. At the espresso shop the next morning is where the barista explained that the reason I only seen christ and no cave hole opening is cause there was only christ of the abyss.
Damn shame, it sits just below piero's lighthouse, we always refeer perio as the christ of cave diving, in all I learned to tightend down technique down in caves where you have to doff scuba unit to get through and move briallantly not to stir up sediment.

When I seen the arms were gone from my cave christ I was pissed, I spearfish, Yet have taken treasures off ships in the greatlakes over 25 years ago, never have I went down under to destroy.

I myself am a non christian but I see absolutley no reason to destroy a statue. It was vandalism in my eyes. It did not belong to any one person and they had no right to deface it. I do not like over zealous types who either impose their beliefs on others or kill thousands in the name of their diety, however there is no cause to destory such a thing.
May their Karma unfold upon them like a net over a school a fish.
so they automatically assume "satanists" of this . . . classy . . .
"Scuba diving satanist'?

How would they know? Did they see their cert cards?

Does PADI even have that as a specialty yet?

"Tired of just blowing bubbles? With PADIs new "Scuba diving Satanist" specialty you'll be blowing Beelzebubbles in no time.."

"Scuba diving satanist'?

How would they know? Did they see their cert cards?

Does PADI even have that as a specialty yet?

"Tired of just blowing bubbles? With PADIs new "Scuba diving Satanist" specialty you'll be blowing Beelzebubbles in no time.."


Damn I spit my drink-- Beelzebubbles PADI Satanist Specialty Card-- IF EVER there was one I'd brag about having--- THey'd be REALLY limited.. I mean how many teen female virgins do you think you can find these days...
"Scuba diving satanist'?

How would they know? Did they see their cert cards?

Does PADI even have that as a specialty yet?

"Tired of just blowing bubbles? With PADIs new "Scuba diving Satanist" specialty you'll be blowing Beelzebubbles in no time.."

I might have to convert to PADI!:rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
"Scuba diving satanist'?

How would they know? Did they see their cert cards?

Does PADI even have that as a specialty yet?

"Tired of just blowing bubbles? With PADIs new "Scuba diving Satanist" specialty you'll be blowing Beelzebubbles in no time.."


:rofl3: Priceless!!! I did spray my coffee (poor keyboard, it'll never be the same).

Better call in a Scuba Exorcist just in case.... :D

Best wishes.

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