Question Arms being *very slightly* tingly after diving

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I experienced the same thing a year ago while diving in Cozumel. Both my arms and hands went numb, and I had the pins & needles tingling. I left Coz and returned to the Dallas area to seek medical treatment. Fast forward to today, I had three surgeries for carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, and cervical disc replacement (ACDF). I cannot dive for at least another 6 months. If it is not a DCS hit, go see a good neurologist and get some testing done.
What sort of suit are your wearing diving? How tight is it and is it a struggle to put it on or take it off? Any rashes after diving? What does your ascent profile look like on your computer?

And yes, call DAN and discuss this with them.
I wear a wetsuit but as I've always dived with different dive schools it always changes. Sometimes it was a struggle, the one I used yesterday it wasn't.
No other symptoms except for that.
I've never had the computer beeping while ascending, but sometimes it happened when diving very shallow water max 8 meters too.
It happened a few times and then just passed after a good night of sleep.
+ for DAN. When I was a very new diver, I was anxious after a dive about some things I was feeling. It was so long ago and I do not remember the exact details. I went ahead and called them and they were GREAT! Very caring, understanding, and eager to listen. Absolutely did NOT make me feel silly for calling. They reviewed my profile, talked to me about my concerns and what I was experiencing, and provided me with comfort and reassurance.

If you do not have a DAN membership ... GET ONE!
Thank you. I do, I will call them.
Does this happen at other times? I get forearm and hand tingling (ulnar nerve paresthesias) on both arms when my elbows are bent at 90 degrees or more for a prolonged time like running, holding a book, phone. Diving puts my arms in that position but not usually long enough on a 20-30 minute dive to elicit it.
Not that I noticed! But I do have low blood pressure so it could be also related to the position. I will try call DAN.
I experienced the same thing a year ago while diving in Cozumel. Both my arms and hands went numb, and I had the pins & needles tingling. I left Coz and returned to the Dallas area to seek medical treatment. Fast forward to today, I had three surgeries for carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, and cervical disc replacement (ACDF). I cannot dive for at least another 6 months. If it is not a DCS hit, go see a good neurologist and get some testing done.
It's not that heavy, I don't get any numbness, just a slight tingle but if I am busy I hardly notice so it's very subtle.
But I'm keep to understand why as it happened more than 4-5 times in 35 dives.

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