Arms and legs to short, torso to long!

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Alpharetta, GA
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200 - 499 a 7mm Parkway shark skin drysuit, size XL. The torso fits great. However, the arms are about 3 inches too long..take a look:

You can see how I've folded them over, same with the legs. I have a long torso with short legs...I can put my palms on the floor without bending my knees...even in the overweight shape I am in!

Can this suit be altered? I could just cut the excess and then have them re-hemmed, there are no seals in the sleeves, just the tight fit, same with the legs. But then I might mess up the sealing.

The other thing...the full hood covers the chin, after a dive it has caused a headache from pulling the chinbone back against the nerves that run up the back of the joint area at the skull...any ideas?

The human form is very vairable thing isn't it!

Yes it could be altered but as mentioned in another current thread the costs can add up.

As you suggest it's may not be just cut and hem, the taper may need to be refitted.

Fitting the hood can also be tricky.

I would only consider getting it done if you have local tallent that can evaluate the suit and do the fitting personally. Shipping it out will be a big risk and will also add to the cost.

If you shop for used XL suits you will see that used ones are very hard to find so I bet you can recoup decently if you just sell this one.

I also have a long torso and while I'm a perfect catalog fit for a Bare XLS (Extra Large Short) it was perfect on my limbs but too short in the torso.

I would go try some other suits to see if you can find a brand closer to your proportions, you might be surprised. If that fails you may be a good candidate for a custom suit. My wife has had good luck with her custom suit from Atlan. I was very impressed with the details and quality of the construction. Some brands will also do semi-customs of production suits. I'm partial to dealer measured customs as opposed to home measuiring.

If the suit is messing with your neck that way I would not dive it until this is resolved. Getting it cropped to a full suit and wearing a hooded vest or a bibbed hood is one option. Adding the hood to a suit does up the compexity of getting a perfect fit from head to toe.

The neck is fine...just the chin portion seems to tight. I dove it last weekend and it works fine as is...just the cuffs too long.


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