Good to know, I am glad you took it as a sincere question. Had you taken the course with the intent to solo or for the purpose of improving self-sufficiency while diving with others? Had you been diving solo before the course?
Er, um, darned how you put that first question! :lol: The "or" is an "and" for me.
I took the course for the purpose of improving self-sufficiency while diving with others . . . My permanent dive buddy doesn't dive like the buddy I strive to be, and so I wanted the self-sufficiency. I also had a dive with an insta-buddy of the type "that makes you go 'hmmmmm'". I also recognized back then that I would probably dive by myself . . . but I want more dives under my belt before I do more than play around in 30-40' feet of a shallow bay or lake. I did not dive solo before the course.
In hindsight, was there anything tangible in the course that you might not have figured out had you evolved into solo diving over a longer time frame like many of us older guys?
Not at all. I would have learned this over time, but I do not have the diving mentors here that others have. As a newb, the course introduced me to many things, such as additional cutting tools, spare mask, signalling devices, etc. Before that course, if my buddy and I were blown off the line, we'd have nothing but that weak whistle that comes with the BCDs. I also learned about the rule of thirds.
Interestingly, after that course, I got into a discussion here on ScubaBoard where I was soundly castigated for using the 'rule of thirds', because it was for cave diving only, and "I wasn't properly trained in it", yada, yada.
I finally said - Look, I'm a newb, and if I dive solo, I LIKE the idea of diving one third out, one third back, and a third for emergencies. I also said that maybe after I have a 1000 dives, I won't be so conservative, but for now, as a newbie, the rule of thirds gives me comfort in its conservatism. Why is that so wrong?
. . . crickets chirping . . .
So many rush to pass judgement and tell people they're stupid, without bothering to understand the others' points of view. The boats, probably inundated by people that think they are better than they are, want to see a tangible proof of skills, either by demo or by card. Others will pursue the card because they either want to make the boat feel better or they like to collect certs. Lastly, others will pursue the 'card' because of the opportunity to learn with a practiced instructor and because we prefer to learn from the mistakes of others.