South Pacific Diver
IMHO the largest wings you can get for the type of diving being performed and still stay streamlined is the way to go. Back in 1986 when we were starting to figure out the deep diving world (tec diving is the catch word today) I barely survived an uncontrolled descent. This was due to the gear we had avaliable back then and the depth we were working at. Most of the gear was built or modified in our garages. After several months of recompression therapy and back to diving full time I started applying lessons learned. With over 2000 dives in the 150+ range with close to 100 sub 300' dives, I would say choose a wing that will do what you need at depth. Who cares what you look like on the surface, if you need a big wing use it. Since we don't wear drysuits out here, even in the sub 300' range the wings do all of the work. I can't speak for those of you locked into drysuits. I don't even know how to dive in one...hehehe
My 2 cents worth.
My 2 cents worth.