Americans are not "mad" because they did not take responsibility for getting into bad eating habits themselves, but because we let ourselves get cornered into lifestyles where we feel helpless to do anything other than coast by on the least common denominator. SOme of the fattest Americans I know are the hardest working. Their jobs are highly sedentary, their commute to work is long & they sit in the car in traffic for over an hour every morning & evening, they are often compelled to fulfill equally sedentary obligations when they are not at work, and the only way they can eat at all is to drive thru the drive-in at the fast-food outlet.
Why has it gotten this way? Property values anywhere but some God-forsaken desert outpost are so bloody high that a working person can't afford to live there. Real wages have gone down since the 1970's so few people can afford to work a mere 40-hr week. Competition for desireable jobs (ie those with benefits) is so high that workers are willing to give away their whole life to hang onto the job. Then they are laid off anyway due to no fault of their own. Public transportation has fallen into shambles in many cities where buses have become the new holding cells for discharged mental patients no longer eligible for government assistance. Cars are a necessary evil, & crowding on roads has slowed traffic to a snail's pace. By the time they arrive home, they are dead tired. People cannot be blamed for gaining weight in these conditions, yet, the pressure to be thinner increases all the time.
People in their 30's-50's are dying on diet pills & from liposuction to try to compensate from years of health-destroying habits brought on by career pressures they cannot control. Nonetheless, fat people are made the butt of cruel jokes, as if they needed a reminder to try harder to look better. The people in our country who subsist on fast food often do so because they can't afford an apartment with a kitchen or the time to cook for themselves. Some work harder than thin people who live in safer neighborhoods where an evening stroll is possible.
Before you belittle a person whose health has been compromised by fast food, try to understand that many "junk food junkies" would love to do better for themselves. The growth of McDonald's has largely been on the plight of the desperate working person. This is not China where McDonald's is an expensive treat; it is the staple of workers trapped in a cycle of bad living that they would love to change. I hope that McD's & other predatory companies will be forced t finanance that change.