Aqualung Legend, Yoke to DIN conversion...

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The man behind the fish
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Kanagawa and Florida
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Aqualung Legend...
The part for Yoke to DIN conversion is relatively inexpensive (50 bucks) and innocent looking...

Looks like something that can be done at home with fimple tools. One source indicates that this conversion can only be done at a shop...

Ran a search, could not find any specific references to this reg for that conversion, though someon did say that they did the same conversion at home for the Apeks ATX200.

Any experience or definitive information on the Legend?

Many thanks...

I also understand it's an identical process to an Apeks - in which case you will need a 6mm hex key and a larger wrench (large only because you need to get around the yoke arms in order to unscrew the bolt.) That's it.

Uncrew the yoke bolt by reaching around the yoke arms with the wrench. Screw in the DIN connection, and tighten it with the 6mm hex key. You're done.

Keep an eye on a single O-Ring from either assembly, after you unscrew the yoke it should be on the end.
Thanks Boogie
I just took a look at the Yoke. See what you mean about needing to get around the arms somehow to get a good grip on teh nut witing. That is done with what kind of wrench? Looks like a wrench with narrow arms would do the trick.

Yes, the conversion is done exactly as boogie describes. Conderder keeping the A-clamp for travelling.

It ain't rocket science. The process was described well in the above post. Keep the parts and you will be glad you did! It amazes me how many people pay to have this done when it takes 2 minutes. I know people are worried about working on a reg and I understand that but this is all external to the inner workings.

Good to hear the votes fo confidence...

I now need to find the wrench that can make it all happen. The majority of my tools are for woodworking, so I need to find a wrench that will do the job...

I haven't tried it yet on my Legends, but I use a box end wrench to remove the yoke on my Apeks, I don't remember the size offhand, but it fits nicely inside the yoke arms
A Crescent wrench works well. Be careful not to scratch up the chrome and don't use something like Channel Locks, they will chew up the finish.


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