Aquacat fees

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Hi all - if you've recently gone on the Aquacat, would you be willing to chat with me about the fuel surcharge and port fees?

Thanks much for any info!
Its a discussion board. Just post details, other people might be interested or have answers.
I booked through a dive shop and they just told us the fees are over $600pp. It's more than double what we've always paid, and they are asking for it months in advance. Feels very weird.
I booked with the AquaCat directly via AllStar's website, and the deposit doc I received from them states:

Fees are $360.00 per person
I booked through a dive shop and they just told us the fees are over $600pp. It's more than double what we've always paid, and they are asking for it months in advance. Feels very weird.
Looks like the shop is trying to get you for extra fees. Wonder if they will even be around in those few months?

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