So now we have two folks with Apeks diaphragm leaks - @Centrals and @taimen !
Makes me want to do a more compete bubble check on my JJ-CCR. Hmmm.
And @taimen 's comment that it happens around the two-year mark isn't reassuring when I'm used to letting a first stage with stable IP and crisp lockup go three years.
I guess there could be more, but I don't perform an in-water check on regulators that are brought in for service until after I have completed the service unless the customer has reported they see bubbles. I don't see any obvious degradation of the removed diaphragms though.
I have a lot of customers bring their Apeks in for the 1 year inspection to keep the Parts 4 Life in place. I do not loosen the diaphragm clamp during an inspection and they all get an in-water check.