AOW Disappointment

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Personally, Im tired of these pointless arguments.

Oh come on. That's what internet discussion forums are all about. Don't let it chase you away!

Rick Murchison:
How's this for an end run???
Bear in mind that these rating similarities are for access and do not imply skills equivalency. For example, our students would never be taught to kneel on the bottom.
All requirements would be cumulative
Apprentice Scuba Diver - like PADI's "Scuba Diver" the Apprentice would require direct supervision from a dive professional
Scuba Diver Third Class (Card would read "Scuba Diver/3") - OW diver but with Nitrox and buoyancy skills. Can dive with a qualified buddy.
Scuba Diver Second Class (/2) - 25 logged dives plus a course similar to AOW + 3 dives in the 100 - 130 FSW range
Scuba Diver First Class (/1) - 50 logged dives, SLAM & basic deco.
Full Scuba Diver - 75 logged dives, "Master Diver" course + basic overhead (cavern/wreck); 10 night dives, 10 dives over 100', 10 decompression dives...
We could still issue "Specialty" or "experience" cards for those who want them :)

Just to clarify - so a diver who has no intention of ever doing a decompression dive or entering any sort of overhead environment would never get a higher rating that Scuba Diver/2, regardless of how many dives they have?

I'm a "C-Card" guy... I don't consider myself a 'diver' yet.
You are certified. You can go into any store, buy equipment....get gas and go dive. That is end result of having your C-Card. You are a diver. Your instructor should of left you in a state were you can function on your own in Open water.

.. still too much to learn...
There is always more to learn and hopefully your OW instructor has given pointers to you on where the extra knowledge/instruction will be needed.
Steve R:
The issue here isn't hate or not, it's that you have no clue what Padi is doing, and evidently have no clue what it is that is entirely wrong with them.

I, too, am a PADI instructor... and I, too, have no clue what it is that is entirely wrong with them. Will you enlighten me? I've been trying to get to the bottom of this since I started participating in scubaboard discussions. Many folks (some who are engaged in this discussion) have tried to tell me, but when push comes to shove, they have no real details.

Perhaps you will be more informative?

Just to clarify - so a diver who has no intention of ever doing a decompression dive or entering any sort of overhead environment would never get a higher rating that Scuba Diver/2, regardless of how many dives they have?

Yep. That's the idea. A Scuba Diver (Second class) would be where most of today's recreational divers top out. That would cover just about every kind of resort and vacation diving anyone's likely to want to do. Within that rating they could become a Rescue Diver, but if they wanted to advance to First Class they'd have to have deco theory and basic deco procedures under their belt. (This was standard for the "Scuba Diver" course years ago.)
I, too, am a PADI instructor... and I, too, have no clue what it is that is entirely wrong with them. Will you enlighten me? I've been trying to get to the bottom of this since I started participating in scubaboard discussions. Many folks (some who are engaged in this discussion) have tried to tell me, but when push comes to shove, they have no real details.

Perhaps you will be more informative?


PADI standards are not what I believe is necessary to teach folks to dive safely. I'll be happy to send you details if you'll PM your e-mail address to me. In addition, I don't much care for their ethics.
I'm no fan of PADI or their average product, but fair is fair...
Steve R:
Padi doesn't care what you do, so why would I?
Absolutely not true. PADI may not have the QA system in place that you like, but they do in fact "care" what their instructors do, on several levels. But you know that.
Steve R:
Dude, you're the perfect Padi instructor, and are exactly how they want you.
Want to unpack that for us, "Dude?" Many of us have little direct experience with PADI, and while we may have some idea of what you mean here, if you have something specific to say then say it. Hints & innuendo aren't helpful - and you do want to be helpful, don't you?
Steve R:
The issue here isn't hate or not, it's that you have no clue what Padi is doing, and evidently have no clue what it is that is entirely wrong with them.
Nor do I. How about cluing us in? Don't be shy about it... Use small words and short sentences so we can understand. I suspect I'll agree with many of your points, but I'd like to know what your points are - I can't read your mind.
Steve R:
But hey, go forth and multiply your c-card count, your Course Director seat awaits You'll fit right in, I guarantee it.
If this is not supposed to be a denigrating statement your message is distorted. If it is... well, how 'bout it? Clue us dummies in on what, specifically, you mean.
Say what you mean, mean what you say. Little guessing games aren't productive.
Rick Murchison:
Yep. That's the idea. A Scuba Diver (Second class) would be where most of today's recreational divers top out. That would cover just about every kind of resort and vacation diving anyone's likely to want to do. Within that rating they could become a Rescue Diver, but if they wanted to advance to First Class they'd have to have deco theory and basic deco procedures under their belt. (This was standard for the "Scuba Diver" course years ago.)

Do you feel that deco theory and basic deco procedures are necessary for a recreational diver? (And I'm using PADI's def'n of recreational, in that no dive would be below 130' and that NDLs would not ever be reached.) And could you elaborate a bit on "basic" for me? I need some scope to understand what you're talking about. :)

PADI standards are not what I believe is necessary to teach folks to dive safely. I'll be happy to send you details if you'll PM your e-mail address to me. In addition, I don't much care for their ethics.
I don't have a copy of PADI standards handy, Walter. Why not quote the deficient ones here for everyone - to save time and duplication of effort, don'tchaknow?
As for ethics, are you talking about the ethics of specific PADI officials? Instructors? or some general perception of an ethical deficiency that permeates the agency from top to bottom? Please be specific. I really want to know.
I see no need to leave hints out here while whispering behind closed doors. I mean, if we're gonna hammer PADI let's not mess around with it, and let's be specific.
Or not do it at all.
Steve R:
I've seen it first hand with all documentation in print. I'm not lacking any material or personal experience with this.

Dude, you're the perfect Padi instructor, and are exactly how they want you.

The issue here isn't hate or not, it's that you have no clue what Padi is doing, and evidently have no clue what it is that is entirely wrong with them.

But hey, go forth and multiply your c-card count, your Course Director seat awaits You'll fit right in, I guarantee it.

Add me to the list Steve. I have watched this thread go by, and apart from unsubstantiated mudslinging, you seem to have not brought anything to the table. As yet another PADI instructor, I have worked extremely hard to be the best I can be, and hope to keep improving. That certainly isn't because I don't care about my students, and believe me I'm not doing it for the money! I believe in the association that I represent, and if you would like to publicly disparage them, please have the integrity to fully disclose your points. At the moment it appears you are merely hurling innuendo out from behind some of the bigger boys on the playground.


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