SterlingDiver:Hi, we dove 12 dives w/Palanacar in May and are returning in a few weeks to dive with them again.
They let us push our computer's limits (or exceed them) and we never had more than 9 on a boat. We did deep dives to over 90' and never felt like we were with a bunch of beginers. It was extremly conveinant diving with them at Occidetial. They were very good hosts and we had a great time. I am not sure where some of the others here have gotten their information??
Good luck in your decisions, but don't be afraid to dive with Palanacar.
DP is a very safe and well respected operation. No one said otherwise.
However, they are a resort operator, and therefore, run the operation accordingly. They do not advertise or claim to be an operation that caters to advanced divers or that allows more diver freedom. They have a pretty defined schedule and defined profiles/bottom times for the divemasters to follow, which are within table limits. You are allowed to use your computer, but you are still diving the dictated profile by the divemaster in most cases.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, and if I were an operation of their size and catering to resort divers (who tend to be once a year divers) I too would run things more conservatively. They are a fine operation, just not for everyone.