The aircrafts owner (State of California for the P38) maintains a website of the location of all their property/wrecks at
The P38 is listed, but the F18 I agree would not still be there. At that depth the Navy would definitely recover it lest sensitive information or weapons fall in to the wrong hands. If the F18 were still there, it would be Federal Property and would not be listed in the state data base.
Another database you could look at is
Please keep in mind, that just because a ship or plane is on the ocean floor, does not mean it does not have an owner and removing anything could be a crime. :11: There are actually rules and laws governing salvage that must be followed. So look, but do not touch.
You can view anything of interest from many of our local wrecks thanks to the preservation efforts of some local clubs. Under the argument that the sea will destroy the artifacts in 50 or 100 years so, they have striped the wrecks as fast as they could and put them on display in their private homes where, oh thats right, no one can see them! Now in fairness they do bring a few of them out once or twice a year they put them on display at a talk or diver day at the aquarium. Obviously that is much better than leaving it in its natural environment for other divers to enjoy until the sea eventually reclaimed it. But you can still enjoy the hulk of the wreck, minus anything they could carry or lift with a lift bag.