Hi, I just surfed onto this thread since I was working on my TripAdvisor reviews and I was getting ready to do a review of Bottom Time.
I started reading Happy Seattle Girl's story and I immediately knew that we were the other couple mentioned in the story.
First, let me state that Bottom Time under the previous owners did indeed suck. They screwed over their employees (one of whom is a friend of mine from here in Missouri) and there were lots of past customers who would agree. We had lots of problems with our billings as well.
The facts are too similar to what we had happen on our trip for there to have been two of these from the exact same time period for this not to have been on our boat.
However, if this is the same incident, this is definitely not how things went down.
First, there were five divers on the boat and not three, and two DM's not one. The DM with my wife and I was actually an instructor, and we were doing our AOW deep dive. The other two divers were a husband and wife team, and the third woman was by herself.
They dropped in first, and went down, as we went over our dive plan with the instructor. We went down to 110 feet, basically just down the ridge from where the other group was, did our thing and came back up. The dive was only 29 minutes since we went deep and I was kind of an air hog back then. My wife and I came back up on the boat with our instructor and had de-geared when the other DM brought a single woman diver to the surface. He immediately left her there and went back down to look after the other couple and she started screaming to be picked up. Our Captain got on the radio to a nearby boat and asked them if she looked like she was OK, and he told the instructor that was with us to get ready to tow her in. They watched her swim over with the instructor ready to dive in if needed. The other boat said she just looked angry, not in panic. He waved her to swim over, which she did. She came up on deck and laid into the captain like he was some sort of house servant.
She started cussing him up one side and down the other for not unmooring and taking the boat over to pick her up (about 150-200 feet, dead calm water). He explained to her, calmly, that he wasn't going to unmoor the boat with divers down under it just to pick her up, told her that he was monitoring her and would have sent somebody to rescue her if she actually needed it, and told her he wasn't going to take any abuse off of her.
This diver, again I am not positive it is the same person, rode with us from the hotel and told us that she had been seriously bent her last dive out, and that this was her first time back in the water since then. She was a small woman and blew through an entire AL80 in about 25 minutes at a depth of 40 feet.
I have been out with this particular Captain about 10 times (he has since changed companies) and have never had a problem with him at all... in fact, he's my favorite guy to go out with.
As far as the exhaustion thing goes, the woman on our boat claimed that she was exhausted and NEVER should have been "MADE" to swim that whole distance... after a few minutes she jumped back in the water and snorkeled around the boat because she was mad at the captain and didn't want to talk with him... she did that for about 45 minutes, so I am thinking she wasn't THAT exhausted.
Personally, if it were me, I would have sent the instructor over to bring her in.... but it wasn't my boat.
Getting back to the heart of the story... I have no idea about the new owners, but personally I see no reason to risk a vacation on an outfit that has a checkered past like this one when there are so many good, reputable operators available.