Anyone got bail money

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Punta Gorda, Fl.
# of dives
500 - 999
I just lit off a few fireworks. Nothing really obnoxious, just a few ground blossoms, a set of saturn missles, and 2 bottle rockets, and the crackpot across the canal (who, btw, told my kids it was illegal to throw rocks in the water) griped at me to stop.

If a grumping crackpot is a happy crackpot, come midnight, I've got a couple of dual stage, tube fed babies that are gonna make him wonderfully excited!

I'm taking donations for bail...
I just lit off a few fireworks. Nothing really obnoxious, just a few ground blossoms, a set of saturn missles, and 2 bottle rockets, and the crackpot across the canal (who, btw, told my kids it was illegal to throw rocks in the water) griped at me to stop.

If a grumping crackpot is a happy crackpot, come midnight, I've got a couple of dual stage, tube fed babies that are gonna make him wonderfully excited!

I'm taking donations for bail...

You must really be bored....
Have you considered NNS?

Neighbourhood Nuclear Superiority.....

I'm sure it's protected by your second amendment . :mischief:

Happy New Year !
...but I remember when my husband used to do shift work and he'd have to go to work at 6:00 am on holidays. (A lot of people do, policemen, firemen, nurses, and others ....) Anyway, the neighbor who did the fireworks all night on 4th of July didn't really appreciate me firing up my lawnmower at 7:00 am and leaving it running next to his house. TFB for him however.
Happy New Years. The fireworks have been going on here since 4 p.m. and will probably go well past midnight. It dosen't bother me but sure has my cat freaked out.
Hmmm.. in college the president and treasurer of our dive club borrowed $500 of the club funds for a trip to Vail over spring break just in case they needed bail money. The rest of the club was not real impressed.
the state allowes any firework that you can come up with. I guess they figure there's nothing worthwhile saving here. also one Hillbilly has taken credit for shooting down Spudnic the russsian satilite and the first round of missle's in Desert Storm came from Odel's and Persy's personal stash. Dont mess with the Hillbilly's LoL

My neightbor used too get all upset about my kids making noise in the backyard where we have a swimming pool. All the neighborhood kids seemed to gather at our house.

The neighbor used to do stupid stuff like call the cops and leave his lawn mower running unattended at the property line. Finally one day I confronted him. "Charlie, you are retired Navy aren't you? Well if my kids are making too much noise you have my permission to tell them to keep it down. If they give you any lip let me know and I'll kick thier a$$."

Well that seemed to work. He now guards my house like he is on shore patrol. We don't need any house alarms or any thing like that, we have Charlie.
We call them the "**** & Dyke"

They called Code enforcement once because our pool pump was too loud and another time when some yard waste (a palm frome) was 6 inches on their property. The Sheriff when wife & kids were singing in the pool at 8pm (that's their bed time) & animal control because our dog barked...this is just a sampling of their antics over the past 3 years.

In all cases we actually got apologies from the officials for the ridiculousness of the complaints. In the case of the sheriff, she threatened to arrest them if she had to respond to such a frivilous complaint again. Animal control wanted signed affidavids from other neighbors on the dog's "nuicense barking". They couldn't get anyone else to agree since "Maverick" is well respected liked in the hood.

We just live here in Canada. It's pretty quiet. I shovelled my neighbours driveway 2 weeks ago for the hell of it.

Go figure.

And I'm actually considered an A$$Hole up here :-)


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