We were on the way home from a mud dive in Lake Fenton when Bambi's mom came blasting across the expressway from the west at high speed. She almost made it too! I was headed north at 72mph and glanced up towards the mirror to wave at my buddy who was getting off at Hill road. When I looked down, I saw a flash of brown to my left and the next thing I knew the airbag in my '95 Dodge 1/2 ton had deployed with a huge bang. I got on the brakes, got into the safety lane beside the ramp and felt a huge bump as I ran over her dead carcas!
Front end of my $8800.00 pickup sustained $6500.00 in damage. Stuffed Bambi's mom into the radiator, clear up to the water pump, before she fell out and I ran over her with the passenger side wheels. Got both fenders, the hood the grill the radiator, fan, fan clutch, bumper...you name it, and it was damaged! I was sick, then mad! Walked back to her lifeless body and gave her a kick for good measure. She was dead on impact and too darn beat up to save for meat.
Limped my truck up to the top of the ramp with green, red and other various fluids dripping on the ground. Got her into a parking lot and called the wife for a ride. Took photos of EVERYTHING, just in case the insurance company was going to be a problem. Took 28 days to repair, but now everything but the cruise control seems to be working just spiffy. Cruise seems to have a bug in it where it works sometimes and doesn't others. Still haven't taken the time to work on it.
In over 30 years of driving, this is the FIRST time that I've ever hit a deer. Living in Michigan, I usually see deer every day, and have always been fortunate(fast) and have missed them until now. Had one step out on the road in front of me on the way home at 12:45 this morning in fact...
Sorry to hear about your loss...