Anyone down for lake Martin?

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Hi, John L!

Hope you're feeling better...

When do you want to go diving? :D

Feeling completely better... not sure when I can go only day off this week is Thursday. We've got one girl in the hospital about 6 others either fired or quit. and 3 or 4 more on vacation. I wanna know where the *F* my vacation is. I work with my "typical" dive buddie and he's on vacation this week in Pensacola was supposed to go down there but, unfortunately, with my current work schedule I can't. So this Thursday is the only time I can dive but I don't know if I could make ABWA. But I did find out some more stuff my instructor said about me, so at least I feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)
It was just fine... lowest temp we saw was 58 at about 40'.
Vis had some patchy, thin zero vis layers, but it was mostly pretty good - I'd say 8 to 15 feet or so. Saw several very nice largemouth bass, in the three pound range; lots of fingerlings.
We made two very relaxed enjoyable dives, then retired to Sinclair's for grouper & beer. Weather was lovely, not too hot, just right for an outside table where we could hear the water lapping on the rocks in the background... All in all a perfect Saturday :)

I wish I could have made it, had to work in the afternoon and didn't want to rush.
Bamamedic....what's your schedule looking like for next week? Not sure what I've got to work yet but I should be able to get a day off that you have where we can dive :). I really to SCUBA soon :D.
Change in schedule...Tuesday's no good, but I'm still free on Monday, Thursday, and Friday :)
You're all very entertaining. This thread has been lots-of-laughs.

I'm very excited, though, 'cause my wife and I really want to dive Lake Martin. My in-laws live there and we visit a coupla times a year.

We're going to the Caribbean this month, where we anticipate finishing our certifications (we've done everything except the Open Water Checkout Dives . . . ) and log at least seven (7) additional dives. Once back in NYC, we're going to get a few more dives.

SO, when we make it back to Lake Martin, we should have around ten (10) dives to our names. And we TOTALLY wanna dive Lake Martin (we can't WAIT to let the rest of our family be JEALOUS of how cool we are to get to do something they CAN'T!).

We do have some questions, though. I mean IDEALLY, if one of you who have done this a million times before--eh, HUM . . . 3,000+ dives?, I'm TOTALLY awe-struck and kinda lookin' your way, here--would be willing to dive WITH us, we would be SO grateful.

We know the Kowaliga Marina and the Church in the Pines well and are familiar with all the landmarks you describe just BEFORE getting into the water (we ALSO know Sinclairs AND their cold beer well, thank you very much!). In the event, however, that we CANNOT meet up with somebody who's done this before, is this a tame enough dive that we could do it at our [anticipated] experience level alone.

Do you anticipate the water being warm enough by AUGUST to dive in nothing more than a wetsuit (it would be tough to get trained in a drysuit between now and then).

Is there a place to rent gear ANYWHERE nearby? We have the basic mask, snorkel and fins. We would need to rent EVERYTHING else (BCD, tanks . . . I guess we would have to buy a flag and surface float).

Finally, we DO have access to a boat (actually, a COUPLA boats). Does diving off a boat help at ALL, or is it better to just go in from the shore?

Thanks for your insights. I'm not sure if I'm more excited for the Caribbean, now, or Lake Martin!
I'm down with diving Lake Martin, if anyone still wants to. I anticipate a schedule change for me soon...instead of working the standard 24/48 modified Kelly shift, I'm going to become queen of the "graveyard" shift...11pm to 7am M-F, with weekends off.

So...if we could figure this out for a weekend, that would be much easier on me.

doebtown, you'd more than likely be OK with a 5mm wetsuit. I've been diving ABWA with a 3mm wetsuit since May, and it does get a little cold below the thermocline, but it's been tolerable. Of course, it depends on how easily you get cold. You might consider adding a hood and gloves, for added warmth.
In August the water will be bathtub warm to about 40 or 45 feet. Just let us know when you are coming. Gear rentals will not be a problem.

We went last Saturday. Haven't had time to do dive report yet but will get it done by tomorrow.
BamaMedic2.0...... Are we still on for July 12 at abwa or would you like to do Lake Martin. I can tell you how to get to Kawlyja Bridge ir you wanted to dive there. Have dove there a couple of times. Also I was wondering if anyone else could give me a good place to dive besides the ones already mentioned. Would like to do Chimney Rock but have no boat for access. Where does Adventure Sports in Auburn do their diving at? How good is viz there? I live in LaFayette which is about 45 min - 1 hour from the lake depending on exact destination of the lake. Anyone wanting to dive there anytime feel free to pm me.
I would be pretty happy to dive somewhere other than ABWA for a change!

My only problem is that I get off work at 7am July give me an hour in case work runs late, plus an hour to go home, shower, and change....means that I won't be leaving Tuscaloosa until 9am...factor in driving time, and I won't get there until 11:30ish. If that's OK with you, that's just fine with me...

If you give me directions to the bridge...I could shoot to meet you there sometime around 11:30 or noonish...then we could get a couple of dives in! Just let me know what you decide...

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