Glad to hear you're feeling better Debra. My first thought in my expert medical opinion (did I spell medical right? I'm very experienced in the medical field...I dated a nurse once. Not! I can't even put on a band-aid)...Was an inner ear problem. Basic stuff, huh?
Get it checked out good, don't know how many dive Docs. there are in Dallas that are familiar with dive related incidents. But there should be some very compentent ones there.
This must be one of those cosmic aurora things...I had the same thought also.
Get it checked out good, don't know how many dive Docs. there are in Dallas that are familiar with dive related incidents. But there should be some very compentent ones there.
Texass:Funny thing is that I started thinking about you right after I wrote that line, Foo. :05:
This must be one of those cosmic aurora things...I had the same thought also.