Anyone Do the Shark Feed Dive in Bahamas?

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I just did the shark dive in Nassau 2 weeks ago. I dove with Nassau Scuba Center. It was great. I have nothing bad to say about Suart Cove's, but their boats looked packed when we anchored near them. I did my shark dive with 4 other divers + the feeder + a divemaster.

That only proves how reputable they are. But for me, I'd like fewer people on certain dives. Their feeder actually trained the feeder I dove with.

Whoever you go it!
Welcome to the board!
I'd dive with them....I haven't but my divebuddy has and had a great time.


Thanks for the reply! We'll probably do the shark dive later in the summer...when the water is warmer. I am "thermally challenged" and like warmer water!
2 Bar:
I just did the shark dive in Nassau 2 weeks ago. I dove with Nassau Scuba Center. It was great. I have nothing bad to say about Suart Cove's, but their boats looked packed when we anchored near them. I did my shark dive with 4 other divers + the feeder + a divemaster.

That only proves how reputable they are. But for me, I'd like fewer people on certain dives. Their feeder actually trained the feeder I dove with.

Whoever you go it!

Thanks for the reply and feedback! I saw an internet ad for Stuart Cove dive shop - so I asked...but now I will check out Nassau Scuba Center 'cause we would rather not be on a cattle boat. 5 divers would be good - 2 would be best!

We'll probably do the shark dive later in the summer...when the water is warmer. I am "thermally challenged" and like warmer water!
Thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome!!!!...oh, yea, and of course, the comments and suggestions on the Bahamas shark diving operators.
Moved from Introductions & Greets forum.
I did the shark feeding with Stuart Coves (SC) as well as Xanadu in Grand Bahama.

As for SC, there were probably twelve people on the boat. They do their shark feeding as a two tank dive with the first dive a wall dive near the feeding site and so you get to swim through the sharks as they gather for feeding time. Its a pretty nice dive and a lot of fun. The second dive, a feeding is done in a semi circle on your knees, the shark wrangler brings the bait box down after everyone is set up and starts feeding while moving around the divers to make sure that everyone gets an upclose encounter.

The best thing about SC is that they do a video of the dive and it is fairly high quality. I heard that they are now offering DVDs. Definitely get the video where ever you go.

Xanadu does their feeding as a one tank with the divers kneeling in a row. The shark wrangler, who is in a full chain mail suit unlike SC, hand feeds the sharks and actually places them into a "trance" by grabbing them and rubbing their snouts. He can then move them around and stack them like cord wood. Pretty cool. Xanadu does do a video of the dive, but the quality is not comparable to the SC video.
Great trip report! I think I like the sound of the 2 tank dive with SC. We'll probably go in June or July since I am thermally challenged and like really warm water - 80 - 83 is perfect for me! We'll probably wait until closer to the dates to book - to watch the weather.
Did you fly to Nassau or take a boat from Florida?
My wife and I dove with Stuat Cove's. Great dive operation. We completed our Shark Awareness Speciality as well. Two thumb up!

Another thumbs up for Stuarts. I love the fact that it's a two tank dive. It's VERY frightening to dive off a boat being circled by sharks...but they want nothing to do with you...just waiting for the food.
BTW...did any one else see a GIANT grouper while on the shark dive?

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