Anyone been to Mermet Springs?

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St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
Looking for info on Mermet Springs in Vienna, IL. I currently live in St. Croix, USVI, but, my family lives in southern Illinois. I came home for Turkey day and will be here for Christmas.

I'm recently certified and have only dove the nice warm waters of the caribbean, as that is my home now.

I'm thinking about checking out Bonne Terre and Mermet over the Christmas holiday time. Are either of them worth it?

Thanks in advance....

Big Hugs~

I've only been to Mermet a couple of times and it's been a while. This time of year the water will be about as cold as water can get without freezing. Vis can vary quit a bit even from spot to spot. What can you's a quarry. there are some cool fish and the airplane from the movie US marshels. Is it worth it? I think so as long as your expectations are realistic for a midwest quarry in the middle of winter and are prepared for the conditions. This isn't the caribbean.

Bonn Terr might not be as cold (50's I think), the vis is probably better and all the dives are guided but it's a little expensive if you ask me. I haven't dived there but I know plenty of people who make a trip or two there every winter and they like it. There's been plenty written here on the board about it so a search should turn up something.
I think it's worth it, but then I've only been in our colder waters and can only hope to dive in something warm. I would at a minimum dive in a 7mm suit right now, if you're cold natured that may not work out.

The mine would be a choice spot for temps right now because it's probably warmer than the quarries now. If temps don't bother you save money and do the quarry, just be ready for vis ranging from 5 - 30 feet or so. The vis in the mine is much better.
Done both and my vote would got to Mermet. Bonne Terre is different in its own way but I liked Mermet. One "new" addition to Meremt is the heaters in the shower rooms!! Was really nice on the cold morning with a wet suit. Even took a shower afterwards.

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