I got bent at least three times last year, doing multiple single tank, nitrox dives and I go up to 1.6 and follow a computer.
I hope that proves I'm "right" on this issue. LOL
Sounds like I'm making a joke, but two of them were skin bends that hurt for a few days and the other was more serious - significant back pain that developed within 5 minutes of surfacing.
I "treated" myself for the back hit by going back down to about 38 feet (where I got instant and complete pain relief) and then spent 20 -25 minutes coming up, all done on the remaining nitrox in my tank- this happened on the first (only) dive of the day.
That is actually kinda funny now that I think about it; not only did a single tank have enough gas to get me bent (after I did a safety stop no less) but I had enough left over in the same tank to do a redneck deco (IWR) treatment. I came up feeling fine and drove in to a beach picnic and then went snorkeling afterwards, however I was using a large steel tank - maybe a 120.
Yeah use a computer.