Re: oxygen windows
Why would oxygen metabolism somehow be relevant or magically different at 1.6 vs. 1.0 atm, or have anything to do with the off-gassing other gases?
Oxygen supply is already in excess regardless of whether it's 1.0 or 1.6 atm, the metabolic rate of oxygen consumption is independent of depth, etc etc ..
Seems like a lot of attention was placed on arterial oxygen supersaturation. Sure it creates 'ratios,' and total arterial pressure is higher, but how is this actually affecting venous gas dynamics for other gases? Bubble sizes are mentioned?
Arterial pO2 can be higher or lower, sure, but increasing paO2 ratio to CO2 (or others) seems irrelevant. Increasing arterial oxygen levels isn't 'pumping' other gases out into the veins more strongly, pretty sure it doesn't work like that (?)
If my question about 3 metres vs 6 metres is trickier than even I meant it to be, it's probably about whether total ambient pressure matters (or not) for off-gassing, once you are on pure oxygen. "Oxygen window" is not even a necessary theory
But since the thread is about 1.4 vs 1.6, the depth question still matters