How does replacing two of his single 80s with a larger set of doubles change that scenario at all?
He takes two of his 80's and makes them into doubles.
Let's see, he has
"a set of double 72's that are my favorite, and I have 4 al 80's."
So he has one (1) set of doubles and four (4) singles. So if he went on a weekend dive, which is two (2) days, where there would be a deep dive - say below 100' and a shallow one in the 20' to 80' range. So right now he would need to borrow a set of doubles or sling two 80's as independents for the deep dive on the second day.
But, if he sets 2 of his 80's as a second set of doubles he now has two (2) days worth of tanks - (a set of doubles and a single) x 2. Sooner or later it comes down to logistics and getting to a boat or remote dive site with all the gas you need for the period of time you will be there helps a lot. The alternative is to try to get tanks filled in the late afternoon or evening of the first day. I have had too many problems over the years in getting this done when I would much rather be having dinner.
I would add the 30 or 40 as a pony or a stage as he see fit because I just like to have them.
Now for some definitions:
Pony Tank: A tank with air or a gas equal to your back gas to be used only in an emergency
Stage Tank: A tank which a diver plans to use on a dive. It should have an appropriate decompression gas called for by the dive plan. As this tank is for decompression, it will most likely have a higher O2 fraction then the back gas.