Any logistic tips for 100th birthday suit dive in developing country?

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Now, Kathy... who was talking about sexuality?

I've been in areas where partial nudity is the norm and it hasn't really done much for me... nor do the pictures in Playboy. The mind can be a much more powerful attractant as long as the basic packaging is adequate.

A nude dive in Alaska wouldn't last long enough to be log-able.
So, is there a rule on 100th posts? :)

Hummm, if nude is the tradition on the 100th dive-- I have to wonder what tradition celebrates the 1,000th?:wavey:
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Now, Kathy... who was talking about sexuality? I've been in areas where partial nudity is the norm and it hasn't really done much for me... nor do the pictures in Playboy. The mind can be a much more powerful attractant as long as the basic packaging is adequate.

I'm sure you're a nice guy :) But I am a little afraid to ask for the defination of 'adequate' ?!

and I don't think anyone would argue that when physical and intelectual attraction align, it is fantastic!!
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Hummm, if nude is the tradition on the 100th dive-- I have to wonder what tradition celebrates the 1,000th?:wavey:

There are no traditions concerning the 1000th dive and the only one concerning the 100th (and sometimes the 69th) is trying to talk people into getting naked for it. Actually making the dive nude is pretty rare.

For the 1000th dive, the diver will often select a favorite dive site and their buddies will do something to make the dive special, often presenting the diver with gifts of some type at depth. On those in which I've participated, the gifts were small silly stuff like toy divers, sharks, etc. along with an engraved flask filled with brandy. In the last few years, folks I dive with present specially prepared dive flags on landmark dives.

Not the best camera angle.
It was a busy trip.
Thanks! It sounds like great fun but Alaska???? Nude? That would deffinately be a short (split-second) dive :D!
You just have to use the "buddy system" to stay warm :)

There is a good chance I'll be making my 100th dive in Cozumel here fairly soon. I think I will be keeping my clothes on though.
You just have to use the "buddy system" to stay warm :)

There is a good chance I'll be making my 100th dive in Cozumel here fairly soon. I think I will be keeping my clothes on though.

Shame really. I thought you'd live up to the name :depressed:

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