Any logistic tips for 100th birthday suit dive in developing country?

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I'll go nude diving with you - but you'll have to come up here. I can't afford a trip at the moment :)

Thanks! It sounds like great fun but Alaska???? Nude? That would deffinately be a short (split-second) dive :D!
A word of advice...
Whoops! Discovery

You can't close the door in the ocean, its all public space. If you're at a dive site, there's likely to be other divers around. If you get carried away, you could look up to find that you've attracted the attention of a guided dive group complete with cameras. If you think this simply adds to the thrill, good luck to you. You may be less amused when those pictures appear on websites around the globe
Just say, "No." It's merely an attempt by men to see women nude. Besides, you should be making your 69th dive nude, not your 100th.

Maybe, but it still sounds like a fun tradiiton!

Me thinks: Adult nudity is only a novality because it is rare -- been to many native villages where partial nudity is the norm and the men are not crazy with lust :daisy:
Would love to hear stories or ideas about how other gals traveling solo get away with birthday suit diving in developing countries ???

I not at all shy & am pretty creative but---:confused:

In the US, it would be great fun!!! but traveling alone in a developing country and diving outside of resorts - potential problem. I can see a night shore dive -- but still there are always eyes on shore & often other divers underwater??

A night shore dive would probably be the easiest to do. You could suit up with a 2 piece on, and remove the pieces at the shoreline, or even in the water, and pocket them.

I'm afraid that unless you rent the ocean, other divers will be a consideration. Pick a less desirable location, and give them a show.

(Find out what the laws on public nudity are in the area. A fine is okay, but I'm sure you wouldn't want jail time.)
I was going to make the suggestion that (to no surprise) has already been made... dive with a buddy. Me!

LOL! First time I've had a buddy offer from a solo diver with a gazillion dives! Now I see what I've been doing wrong! Sexuality always speaks louder than ability-- When the two unite-- watch out! ;-)!
A night shore dive would probably be the easiest to do. You could suit up with a 2 piece on, and remove the pieces at the shoreline, or even in the water, and pocket them.
(Find out what the laws on public nudity are in the area. A fine is okay, but I'm sure you wouldn't want jail time.)

Night shore diving with underwater removal of suit probably is be the best way in a developing country - a 2 piece suit with no shoulder straps ;-).

Good point about public nudity laws - I can see the news headlines now -- maybe best to wait for the 100th dive when I'm back in the USA (we'll see!)
Well, here's what I did. Warm water, with just a skin and bikini. Dive buddy carried the camera. Arranged with the boat captain ahead of time to drop off and pick up point away from other divers - used some excuse about photographing something special we knew was there. Dropped down to 50 feet, removed all clothing - gave to buddy to carry. NB: Insure he doesn't lose anything! Did the dive, buddy took video and pics. Reclothed prior to ascent to safety stop. Make sure pictures are in your possession after dive. I think you will enjoy it!
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I love the beautiful mermaids of the sea! :D Never seen one in their birthday suit underwater, however!:confused: My diving wife has no problem with me looking at them as long as I do not stare to intently or try to touch the lovely creatures.:no: If either of those situations happens it seems that she has already learned the perfect spot to strike me on the back of my head. When that happens my reg flies out of mouth and for a split second my sphinter closes really tightly. It is amazing how reflexs work.
If you really want to do it there is a nude resort on Roatan that offers diving.

When I was there I stayed at a little place off the beaten path on the east end of the island called Tropical Beach Resort and we would frequently pass a boat of nudists on the way either to or from dive sites.

I'm sure a little google research could probably find it.

Where I was staying was right at the mouth of the Calabash bight, so it was probably around Oak Ridge.

There is a some really good diving on that side of the island around Port Royal.

There is also a resort on the Island called Paya Bay that is clothing optional, but I don't know if they offer nude diving.

Good luck!

LOL----I 1st went to Paya Bay Resort in about ~'98-----did not notice that unique feature......I guess I need to revisit the place........
EDIT: after a short google, I see what you mean---promoting it as 'naturist'...In fact the wife just told me the last time we were there in ~'02 the owners were trying to sell the place---guess they have new owners.........lmao.....
Just say, "No." It's merely an attempt by men to see women nude. Besides, you should be making your 69th dive nude, not your 100th.

Walter! SSHHHHHHHHHH! Who among us would be so shallow???:rofl3:

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