Any logistic tips for 100th birthday suit dive in developing country?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
So Florida
# of dives
1000 - 2499

I've been reading your posts and wondering the logistics of a 100th dive. I'll probably celebrate my 100th in Indonesia or maybe Nicaguara or Honduras.

Would love to hear stories or ideas about how other gals traveling solo get away with birthday suit diving in developing countries ???

I not at all shy & am pretty creative but---:confused:

In the US, it would be great fun!!! but traveling alone in a developing country and diving outside of resorts - potential problem. I can see a night shore dive -- but still there are always eyes on shore & often other divers underwater??

Any tips would be great!

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Just don't forget the camera for your dive buddy to capture 'the moment(s)'
Just say, "No." It's merely an attempt by men to see women nude. Besides, you should be making your 69th dive nude, not your 100th.
I'll go nude diving with you - but you'll have to come up here. I can't afford a trip at the moment :)
It's merely an attempt by men to see women nude.

Isn't pretty much everything that men do geared toward seeing women nude???
I was going to make the suggestion that (to no surprise) has already been made... dive with a buddy. Me!

My 100th was so many decades ago that I can't even remember it. I don't think the birthday suit tradition had even been established at that early stage. Good thing... I might have scared a lot of fishes away, not to mention the women. Oh wait, back then I was a studly competitive swimmer with a well-developed six pack. Sigh, times change.
dive nakkid in warm waters that do not have jellies :wink: and take pics lol :wink:
I don't know... there are some folks that I've seen on a dive boat that I'd rather not see diving nude.... :rofl3:
If you really want to do it there is a nude resort on Roatan that offers diving.

When I was there I stayed at a little place off the beaten path on the east end of the island called Tropical Beach Resort and we would frequently pass a boat of nudists on the way either to or from dive sites.

I'm sure a little google research could probably find it.

Where I was staying was right at the mouth of the Calabash bight, so it was probably around Oak Ridge.

There is a some really good diving on that side of the island around Port Royal.

There is also a resort on the Island called Paya Bay that is clothing optional, but I don't know if they offer nude diving.

Good luck!

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